Pets And Animals
Former circus elephants get spacious new home in Florida #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesElephants that were once part of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus now have a spacious new home in Florida, thanks to the efforts of a nonprofit conservation group. Manuel Bojorquez has an exclusive first look. "Elephants are beautiful jus
Realising that my dog is getting old
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesLaura is doing better and better. I got into a million arguements with various vets about suggested food, medication etc, until eventually it all made sense. But this happened after a lot of researching, a lot of dilemas and a lot of questioning my choice
Goose is convinced this man's her mommy #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesWell, he does make a good mommy!
Against the Current: How Two Iowa Geese Overcame Grief Together #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesWhen Blossom lost her mate Bud earlier this year, the staff at the Iowa cemetery pond where the two geese had been living took out a personal ad to find Blossom a new partner. And it surprisingly worked. Steve Hartman has more on how the new couple are fa
Cats and Ping Pong Trick Shots Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesSome of these cat Ping Pong tricks look real... others, not so much.
Thank You Baby and more Pet Antics - Best Pets Of The Week! #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesFrom a clever little bird taking all of the compliments to the pup with the laziest fetch technique, please enjoy these Funniest Pets of the Week!
Pony Is Thrilled To Have Her Overgrown Hooves Finally Cut #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesThe minute this pony's long, twisted hooves finally get cut, she starts racing around the pasture at top speed
Pool Party Animals | Judgy Cat #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesAs Summer approaches, pets are piling into the pools! Even pool pets cannot escape Judgy Cat!
The Best Entries Into The Comedy Wildlife Photography #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesFrom a brown bear playing peekaboo, a squirrel caught in the act to an astonished lemur, these are just a few of the great images you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
Little Girl And Her Sweet Cuddly Cats #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesIt doesn't get any cuter than this! Little girl Xiaoxi living her best life with 5 sweet stray cats, they are totally inseparable!
Birdhouse Mansions -World’s Largest - Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Made EP25
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesThe world's LARGEST & COOLEST BIRDHOUSES are not something you see everyday. Some of the BIRDHOUSE MANSIONS have over 100 Rooms and weigh over 500 pounds! John Looser, a carpenter since he was 6 years old, has built over 5000 BIRDHOUSES in the past 20
This Dog Won’t Give Up The Most Perfect Stick In The World #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesToday's video was made for kids but I must admit I enjoyed it thoroughly. Sir Henry’s dreams have come true: He found the most perfect stick in the world! But now he’s gotta get it home, which won’t be easy. Even harder? Convincing his m
Because you can never have too many dog videos | #CreateNewTraditions
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesBecause you can never have too many dog videos.
Heartbroken dog found abandoned in the woods #Video
Added 14.4k Views / 0 LikesBy the time rescuers arrive this Keanu had completely given up. Watch the gentle giant find his will to live again
Animals Causing Road Blocks Compilation
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesAnimals doing what animals do... they can't help it if humans get in their way sometimes. The bears crossing the road in front of the red train caboose actually happened in Banner Elk, N.C., the small town I grew up in. Enjoy!
The Best Of 2024 (so far) #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesHello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, I show you the best of 2024 so far.