Pets And Animals
Budweiser Does it Again
Added 2.6M Views / 0 LikesNew Budweiser ad. Song I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) Artist Sleeping At Last Album I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) Writers Craig Reid, Charlie Reid Licensed to YouTube by The Orchard Music (on behalf of Sleeping At Last); LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, LatinAutor
This Is How One Cattle Rancher Loads Bucking Bulls. #Video
Added 238.4k Views / 0 LikesLoading Bucking Bulls into the trailer with cattle dogs Satus Jet, Brodey, Bear and Brick. Looks like dangers work...
Ride Me Back Home by Willie Nelson
Added 48.6k Views / 0 LikesWillie Nelson sings Ride Me Back Home, from the CD of the same title. (Mini Music Documentary) Available today at {no longer available}: null/2ElGGYY
Why Everyone Should Own A Dog #Video
Added 36.7k Views / 0 LikesJust in case you have ever wondered why you should own a dog...
Hummingbird Sleeping While Hanging Upside Down Video
Added 36.5k Views / 0 LikesWatch this brief video of a Hummingbird sleeping while hanging upside down on a feeder, and then see what happens next.
This Tiny Kitten Grows Up Racing Around Her House Like A T-Rex Video
Added 33.3k Views / 0 LikesTiny kitten is basically a mini T-Rex and her favorite thing is wrestling with her dog sister! Video Script:: she does look like little t-rex half a beat she is constantly and she only has two little legs not slowed her down one bit I think just becau
If I Hadn't Caught It On Video You Wouldn't Have Believed Me!
Added 33k Views / 0 LikesYappy Beeman is a professional bee remover performing live honey bee removals in Alabama as "Alabama Bee Rescue" and relocates them to apiaries away from residential areas so they can rebuild and thrive as a honey bee colony producing honey. Yappy is an A
This Is Why Dogs Are The Most Amazing Creatures. Video.
Added 32k Views / 0 LikesDogs are the most amazing beings; they give unconditional love to everything, with no questions asked. They’re loyal, kind and offer endless affection to all beings. We can learn a lot from them ❤️
Unbelievable Whale Encounter! #Video
Added 31k Views / 0 LikesWithout doubt this was the most incredible whale encounter of my career, which occurred on the final day of our three-week whale research project in Antarctica (Feb 2020). You'll want to watch till the end! ~Richard Sidey This is a short excerpt from the
Reaction of a donkey right after see the girl who raised him video.
Added 29.2k Views / 0 LikesReaction of a donkey right after see the girl who raised him video.
The Funniest Outdoor Signs From This Vet Clinic #Video
Added 29k Views / 0 LikesThe Funniest Outdoor Signs From This Vet Clinic #Video
The Funniest Outdoor Signs From This Vet Clinic To Make You Crack A Smile #Video
Added 28.6k Views / 0 LikesAccidentally used the dog shampoo... Now Im feeling like such a good boy. I hope you enjoy today's funny outdoor signs.
Super Skilled Belgian Malinois Dogs Trained To Climb Walls - Video Compilation
Added 28.3k Views / 0 LikesUnbelievable!!
Added 27.9k Views / 0 LikesUp to half a billion monarch butterflies lie sleeping having overwintered in Mexico. As winter ends and spring arrives, the sun warms their wings and the forest comes to life as a cascade of butterflies take flight! Robot Spy Hummingbird is right there in
Kiss Your Dog On The Head And Record Their Reaction #Video
Added 27.4k Views / 0 LikesThis compilation of reactions of dogs getting kissed on the head by their owners will make your day.
Wild Groundhog Won't Let Woman Go Home Without Her. Video.
Added 26.4k Views / 0 LikesNow she eats breakfast with the dogs on the porch ????️