Pets And Animals
Judgy Cat Reacts to HILARIOUS Horses! #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesJudgy Cat Has Thoughts On These Hilarious Horses! ( The one where the horse kicks a tiny pony... the pony isn't real )
Incredible Dogs Hilariously Imitate The AGT Judges #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesCan these cute dogs pull off amazing impressions of the judges?! Watch as Canine Stars entertain Terry and the judges.
The Best Entries Into The Comedy Wildlife Photography 2023 #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesFrom an extremely happy turtle, an owl with a "Mona Lisa Smile" to a monkey reading "Fake News", these are just a few of the beautiful and funny photography's you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
The Most Talented Cat lives in Australia (Compilation)
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesBack in 2012 Robert Dollwet adopted a rescue kitten and named her “Didga”. Fast forward to today Didga is the most talented cat in the world, holds a Guinness World record! plus has a few hundred million video views around the Internet, and ov
Giant Cloud Rolls Through Neighborhood. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 Likes"All I'm saying is don't give me attitude"... LOL
Cat deemed too ugly to be loved gets second chance #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesKitten was born with one eye, a cleft lip and a crooked jaw, and was going to be euthanized. Megan decided to give this cutie a chance, and they bonded almost immediately
Birds with Arms - The Funniest Thing Ever! #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesToday's funny "Birds With Arms" video must have taken a very long time to make. Keep your finger on the pause button in case you want to read the comments.Thanks for watching!
Puppies are on Earth to MAKE US LAUGH #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesGet ready for a non-stop laugh attack with a compilation of the funniest puppy videos the internet has to offer!
Supermom Bella! Raising Hummingbirds From Egg to Fledge #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesBella is a very successful mother. She is already on her second clutch of the season.
Best of FUNNY DOG videos will Fill the black hole in your heart #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesHaving a bad day? The dogs in this video will put a smile on that face and joy in your heart. Enjoy!
Simon Says... Build A Mouse Village! #Video
Added 14.3k Views / 0 LikesSimon builds an entire village for a mouse he saw in his garden.
Do Random Dogs Often Come up to You? Here Is Why! #Video
Added 14.2k Views / 0 LikesYou have probably noticed that some people get approached quite often by random dogs. You may be wondering what it is about these people that draws dogs to them. In this video, we’re going to go in-depth on many of the reasons that make some people
Meet Stepan The Bear Video || Manamana
Added 14.2k Views / 0 Likes'Here's a short, sweet story of how a couple in Russia adopted an orphaned bear cub, and raised him... and continue to spoil him with yummy food and lots of love.' ~ Becky D.
This Dog HATES Snow Especially Snowmen
Added 14.2k Views / 0 LikesThis dog is all of us that hate winter. I love this dog!
Young Male Bower Birds Pretend To Be Female To Steal From Robotic Spy Bird! #Video
Added 14.2k Views / 0 LikesA juvenile male satin bowerbird dupes a male into believing he's a female in order to steal his proudest possessions. Will they be as successful with our Robotic Spy Bowerbird?
A Year In The Life Of A Wild Boar Raised By A Yellow Lab #Video
Added 14.2k Views / 0 LikesWatch this rescued baby boar grow up and choose a yellow lab as her dad