Pets And Animals
It's Like Meeting a modern day dinosaur! #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesIt's hard to believe the shoebill's actually real. Such a cool animal!
The funniest animals / Fun with cats and dogs 202 #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesI hope you're loving all the cute animal videos as much as I am bringing them to you!
Imperfect ballerina | a rescue dog's journey to recovery #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesMeet Galina! She was rescued in Greece by Save a Greek Stray. Valia Orfanidou tells us about her in as only she can. Galina has been spoken for since this video was made. Thanks for watching. These videos are possible thanks to your help: https://www.pat
10 Things Cats Love - Cole and Marmalade #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesWe all know most cats love boxes and catnip, but what do they really love the most?
I switched her egg, now would she accept her baby? #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 Likes....and even more importantly, would the little chick accept her real parents? This is certainly one of the most mesmerising moments I've ever witnessed.
Waiter! Bring me food! #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesThe cat demands food by ringing the bell. The waiter brings him the menu. There are four dishes to choose from:EggSpaghettiFishChicken What will the cat choose for his order? Or is he going to try all the dishes on the menu?---
Team Work Makes The Dream Work| Pets Translated Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesWatch these pets team up!
Golden Retriever picked up a kitten by roadside #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesSome unexpected events in today's video... you may even cringe a bit...
Dog Amazes People By Running Over Pool Video. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesOf all of this guys video's we've seen, this one contians the most unusual clips yet! Enjoy!!He had me with the dog running across the pool.... until...
Animals Show Love for Humans - Animals Hugging People - Animals Hugs Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesCompassion, love, empathy seem to be in short supply at times nowadays. Animals can teach us how to treat each other better and be better human beings. Cows, lions, apes, dogs, bears, parrots can all be very affectionate and show surprising emotions when
7 Baby Foxes Reunite With Mom After Being Pulled from Under a Deck
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesWatch as Wildlife Control remove 7 baby red foxes from underneath a deck as Mama Fox keeps a close watch.
These Dogs Make You Forget All Your Problems #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesDogs are known for their playful and humorous nature. Whether it's their silly antics or goofy expressions, these furry companions never fail to bring a smile to our faces.
Rescue Pittie Screams Like A Person When He's Happy #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesKristin found Mo wandering the streets of Phoenix. She brought him to the shelter to see if his owners were looking for him. There, she discovered Mo had a secret - and hilarious - talent!
Super Cute Birds - Dawlish Black Swan Cygnets Entering the Water in Dawlish #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesThese Black Swan Cygnets were born at the start of October and this is them entering the water in their first week.One of them isn't to keen on this whole water thing... Dawlish is also known for its black swans, introduced from Western Australia, which l
The Best of Jack Russell Terriers #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesBe on the look out for the Jack Russell drinking coffee while taking a bath and the Jack Russell bowling ( well sort of ). Enjoy!
The Smallest Horse In The World Sits At... The Dinner Table? #Video
Added 14.5k Views / 0 LikesThe smallest horse in the world can't stop following his rescue dad around, he even tries to follow him to work!