Pets And Animals
Senior chihuahua gets adopted. Now he won't stop smiling. #Video
Added 648 Views / 0 LikesSenior chihuahua keeps smiling after adoption
Raven Flies Back To His Dad Every Single Day #Video
Added 852 Views / 0 LikesThis raven flies back to his dad every single day You and keep up with Floki and Max on Instagram: TikTok: ...
Cat Visits Best Friends Puppies to Give them Kisses
Added 660 Views / 0 LikesThis is so heartwarming - Love Knows No Boundaries
Dog Loves The Car Wash. Your Daily Dose Of Internet
Added 8,180 Views / 0 LikesDog Loves The Car Wash. Your Daily Dose Of Internet hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet this dog likes to stop by this carwash to get a good rub [Music] and you got might happen up north you kids up a few store that bust a young members a d
Mom Gets Jealous When Her Cat Only Wants To Spend Time With Her New Boyfriend #Video
Added 337 Views / 0 LikesMom starts feeling like the third wheel when her cat and her new boyfriend start spending 24/7 hours together
A Better Life for Chimps in Liberia
Added 722 Views / 0 LikesSee the unique story of our continued care of more than 60 chimpanzees in Liberia, Africa. These animals were previously used in invasive research by a U.S.-based organization, but now live out their retirement amongst islands off the country’s coas
Gray Wolf Pup Finds Perfect Stick #Video
Added 725 Views / 0 LikesChew on this! Silas is the newest member of the Wolf Conservation Center team who will help a global audience better understand the essential role wolves play across wild landscapes. The Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, in
He was dumped outside a pet store. Then he met the perfect man. #Video
Added 636 Views / 0 LikesHe was dumped outside a pet store. Then he met the perfect man. #Video
Enjoying The Sand Pile - ElephantNews #Video
Added 545 Views / 0 Likes#Bunma #Elephant #SandBun Ma never had a chance to play. As a captive-born elephant, she had to entertain tourists since she was young. At two years old she was separated from her mother, becoming a spectacle under the name Cherry. She would ride a Giant
Raccoon: Give me the cat! #Video
Added 649 Views / 0 LikesYou cat is dirty. Can i washing cat? Raccoon.
Esmae fox gets pets and talks #Video
Added 735 Views / 0 LikesEsmae fox gets pets and talks #Video
Beautiful triplet boys for Thistle! #Video
Added 242 Views / 0 LikesThis afternoon Thistle entertained a barn full of people by giving birth to three adorable mini nubian boys. Two groups overlapped when she began pushing, so there were people leaning over all the stall sides watching as the baby goats arrived! Such joy a
Funny Dogs Afraid Of Phones
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesDogs barking, dogs howling, dogs barking and growling at phones. These dogs do not know how to react to their owners phones. Funny and cute dogs reacting to phones.
Daily life of the working mules in Hydra, Greece
Added 375 Views / 0 LikesHydra, like Santorini, is one of those islands of Greece that were built on the backs of donkeys, mules and horses. No cars have access to the island, and the equines have always been used as a means of transportation for everything (building material, fu
A Cool Bird You’ll Want To See & Attract This Fall | The Red-winged Blackbird #Video
Added 455 Views / 0 LikesWant to learn some tips and tricks on how to attract a Red-winged Blackbird to your very own backyard feeder, or ways to find them?
Meditation with the Donkeys #Video
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesJoin Julian on his attempted meditation with the Donkeys To support the Or