Pets And Animals
Never Talk to Strangers - Your Daily Dose Of Internet #Video
Added 783 Views / 0 LikesHello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, you never talk to strangers
03:20 Popular
Sleeping Eye Mask | Critter Crafts
Added 981 Views / 0 LikesIf you need a good night's sleep, we've got the purrrrrrfect DIY project for you! Try making one of these adorable animal themed eye masks and take a little cat nap! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funnie
Tiny kitten found all alone next to highway #Video
Added 848 Views / 0 LikesTiny kitten found all alone meets new big brother and thinks it's his mama
Tiny Rescue Pony Is Proof Miracles Exist #Video
Added 620 Views / 0 LikesTeeny pony who could barely stand gallops around his human siblings now
Little Seal’s Family Waits Nearby While Someone Saves His Life #Video
Added 1,348 Views / 0 LikesWatch this little seal hop back to his family after being rescued!
The PILEATED WOODPECKER | The LARGEST in North America! #Video
Added 743 Views / 0 LikesExcept for the Ivory-Billed which certainly seems to be extinct, and the Imperial which hasn't been seen since the 90s. In this video learn more about what Pileated Woodpeckers eat, where to find one, things you can do if they are damaging your home, and
Funny Alpaca & Llama Farm Adventure with Baby Peacocks & Ducks – Funny Animal Videos
Added 866 Views / 0 LikesWe visit an alpaca and llama farm where we cuddle with the baby alpacas, feed the llamas, pet peacock babies and ducks. Alpacas are primarily a fiber animal, we admire their soft and cuddly fur, huge eyes and weird hairdos and teeth. We have so much fun w
Sweet Woman Becomes Neighborhood Duck Lady #Video
Added 305 Views / 0 LikesSweet Woman Becomes Neighborhood Duck Lady #Video
06:15 Popular
Best Pets of the Week | June 2018 Week 2
Added 848 Views / 0 LikesBest pets of the week! The best of cats, dogs, rabbits and other cute pets and animals on the internet for this week in June! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we
Dog 'falls' to get attention #Video
Added 773 Views / 0 LikesWhen this Beagle ”falls”, there’s just one thing that can get her up again
Rescue Dog Yells at All Dogs in Park and it Brings So Much Joy #Video
Added 12.9k Views / 0 LikesLinda is a dog with a heart of HR. She barks at everyone, who misbehaves. She doesn't want to play. She wants to see order and silence. She she goes to a local park to show everyone "who is the boss".
Cranky Bulldog cries like an alien for nail clipping #Video
Added 642 Views / 0 LikesCranky Bulldog cries like an alien for nail clipping #Video
Little Kitty Exploring Outside for the First Time #Video
Added 615 Views / 0 LikesSo fluffy and cute
Piper Pixar Short Video
Added 1,007 Views / 0 LikesThis is a sweet, well made short film about a brave baby piper that overcame his fear of the water, and used his newfound courage to help his flock. No words are necessary, and the music is very lovely. The animation is excellent, too! Very enjoyable.
Added 7,158 Views / 0 LikesMeet the European Starling, a master mimic and a distant cousin to the Mynah bird. With a talent for learning countless sounds and vocalizations, these birds are nature's little song machines!
Elephant Sams go swimming
Added 525 Views / 0 LikesHappy 11th birthday to Samudra! The big boy has been pool partying with his even bigger buddy Samson.