Pets And Animals
Super Cool Cat Video | Best Pets of the Week
Added 634 Views / 0 LikesFrom a dog who loves watches tv to a real cool cat...Enjoy the Best Pest of the Week!
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10 Things Your DOG LOVES MORE Than Getting PETS! #Video
Added 5,846 Views / 0 LikesDiscover 10 things that dogs love and that can make them even happier than being petted! In this video about dog behavior, you will better understand what truly makes your dogs happy beyond just affection. Learn practical tips on playtime, exercise, walks
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Ring Tail Lemur Lollypop Treat
Added 598 Views / 0 LikesSweetest Ring Tail Lemur enjoying his Lollypop Treat at Dade City's Wild Things
Man does sweetest thing for lonely street mouse #Video
Added 496 Views / 0 LikesGuy brings home a street mouse. Here's what happened.
Woman Can't Believe She Found THIS in Her Ceiling | Little But Fierce
Added 1,039 Views / 0 LikesWhen Sharon heard strange noises coming from her bathroom, she never expected to find a tiny baby lorikeet in her ceiling! Watch as the tiny bird goes from being a pink, helpless baby to a beautiful, healthy adult.
Elephants Protect Her Young Sister While She Lies Down To Sleep During A Rainstorm - ElephantNews #V
Added 401 Views / 0 LikesChana's family protects her when she lies down to sleep, even during a rainstorm vigilant and standing guard at Elephant Nature Park. Please visit Elephant Nature Park website to find out more information: You might also
Cute Baby Elephant Pyi Mai Doesn't Want Her Playmate Take A Nap - ElephantNews #Video
Added 486 Views / 0 LikesNaptime is very important for a young elephant who is growing and changing so quickly. Baby elephant Chaba is sleepy from the continual playtime with her friend PyiMai and tries to sleep on a soft sandpile. PyiMai though has other plans at Elephant Nature
Nanny Prevent Baby Elephant Get Frustrated From Each Other - ElephantNews #Video
Added 566 Views / 0 Likes#BabyElephant #PyiMai #WanMaiWatch how the nanny does when the baby elephant Wan Mai made the PyiMai frustrated at Elephant Nature Park, Please watch until the end. Learn more
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Dog that no one wanted makes a friend #Video
Added 253 Views / 0 LikesDog that no one wanted makes a friend #Video
Play time for the Friesian horse foals!!
Added 1,148 Views / 0 LikesPlay time for the Friesian horse foals!!
Bunny melts into guy's arms, gets adopted #Video
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A Horse named Magic Inspires At-Risk Girls
Added 8,152 Views / 0 LikesOn this episode of Soulmates, meet Heather and Magic. Heather has loved horses her whole life, but when she met a neglected horse named Magic she found her kindred spirit. Seeing how her newborn daughter was bonding with Magic, and reflecting on the effec
Little Girl And Her Golden Retriever Big Brother Have The Sweetest Relationship #Video
Added 622 Views / 0 LikesLittle girl gives her Golden Retriever brother a big hug every night before bed
Funny Talking Indian Ringneck Parrot #Video
Added 981 Views / 0 LikesKiwi is known for being “The Blue Chicken” on tik tok. Not even 2 years old and is way too smart for his own good! TikTok- Tamaranovaa
AWW SOO Cute and Funny Pug Puppies - Funniest Pug Ever #38 #Video
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