Pets And Animals
5 Stories All About Chickens
Added 673 Views / 0 LikesWe had planned to write: This is the reel where stories about chickens have come home to roost. Then we remembered this idiom actually means that the bad things you have done are now coming back to haunt you. And we don’t want to say that. So let&rs
5 Stories for Book Lovers
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesThis is a reel for book lovers, and it’s a page turner. A few excerpts: In Chapter One, we meet R.L. Stine, the author famous for the Goosebumps books series. Chapter Three is devoted to an artist who makes flipbooks for people to share stories with
5 Stories For Those Who Can’t Get Enough of Cats
Added 692 Views / 0 LikesAren’t cats wonderful? The person writing this copy thinks they are, so there is no debate to be had here. It’s a fact. Cats are wonderful, and this reel is full of cat tales sure to be enjoyed by cat lovers everywhere.
5 Stories That'll Sting
Added 922 Views / 0 LikesCan we get an ouch? In this reel, we’re introducing you to an entomologist who has been stung over 1,000 times on the job, honey hunters who dangle from cliffs while getting stung by bees and a stinging caterpillar with a strikingly familiar hairsty
5 Stories That’ll Get You Feeling Cozy
Added 650 Views / 0 LikesThere’s a chill in the air. Let’s get cozy in a pool full of warm beer. Yes, such a thing exists at a brewery in Austria.
5 Tails of Heroic Dogs Saving Lives and Sniffing Out Crime Video
Added 682 Views / 0 LikesNo offense to Superman and Wonder Woman, but some of our favorite superheroes are dogs. Real-life dogs who use their noses, their furry bodies and their waggy tails to make the world a better place. We’re celebrating some of these heroic canines in
5 Things Every Golden Retriever Owner Knows | The Dodo
Added 871 Views / 0 LikesThis is why golden retrievers are the best
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5 Things That Dogs Do ONLY For Their FAVORITE Humans! #Video
Added 4,718 Views / 0 LikesDogs show love and loyalty in incredible ways, and in this video, you'll discover five things they do only for their favorite humans. If your dog truly loves you, they might express it in ways many people would never expect! We're going to reveal clear si
5 Times VERY Persistent Dogs Convinced Cat Siblings To Love Them Back #Video
Added 366 Views / 0 LikesWatch these 5 hilarious stories of dogs who kept trying to convince their cat siblings to love them back, despite being rejected 1,000,000 times — the moment they finally get that one kiss of acceptance is everything
5 Weird and Funny Things Blue Jays Do #Video
Added 482 Views / 0 LikesThe Odd and Humerous Habits of Blue Jays
5 Wild Horses And Their Families Share One Incredible Adventure | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 673 Views / 0 LikesFor wild horses, family means an unbreakable bond. Just ask Blue Zeus, Goliath, Red Lady, Phoenix and Ghost — five wild horses who LOVE living in the wild with their families. That’s why when people chase them with helicopters and try to keep
5 YEAR OLD SPENCER'S MUTTON BUSTIN WIN - Mar 14 2019 Houston TX | TexasGirly1979
Added 891 Views / 0 Likes5 YEAR OLD SPENCER'S MUTTON BUSTIN WIN - Mar 14 2019 Houston TX
5-Week-Old Kitten Loves Swimming With Her Dad
Added 1,263 Views / 0 LikesOn this episode of Soulmates, we meet Mike and his gray tabby kitten Gracie. When Mike was helping out around his uncle's house on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands, he heard little meows coming from inside a wall. He found a tiny 5-week-old kitten all
5-Week-Old Kitten Loves Swimming With Her Dad #Video
Added 10.9k Views / 0 LikesToday we meet Mike and his gray tabby kitten Gracie. When Mike was helping out around his uncle's house on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands, he heard little meows coming from inside a wall. He found a tiny 5-week-old kitten all by herself. He took Grac
5-Year-Old Boy Insists On Rescuing Abandoned Puppies #Video
Added 1,106 Views / 0 Likes5-year-old kid tells his mom they have to rescue these abandoned puppies — wait to see the look on his face when they reunite months later
5-Year-Old Neighbor Fed This Dog Until He Was Rescued
Added 334 Views / 0 LikesThis little boy was the only compassionate person in the neighborhood feeding this dog until Koco heard about him and rescued him!