Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

Possible Solution for 'Sign in to confirm you're not a BOT'

Please note this information is presented to help you determine why you're getting this notice and possible solutions. If you have questions or concerns, please consult your local computer guru before making any changes to your PC or phone device.

All the videos on Mel's Video Of The Day are embedded from Youtube.

From what I can find out, Youtube has decided to implement this "Sign in to confirm you're not a BOT" in order to stop people from using Ad Blockers. Ad blockers prevent ads from showing on their videos which causes them to lose revenue. This implementation has also caused problems for iPhones and desktops that have "Limit IP address tracking" turned on and for some using a VPN.

Changing the "Limit IP address tracking" to off fixed the issue on my devices. Before you turn this feature off, please do a Google search for ""Should I Limit IP address tracking". You will see suggestions that you leave it turned on as it is a safer and more secure way to protect your privacy online. So the decision to change this setting or not will be up to you.

If you decide to make this change, do a Google search for "How do I "limit IP address tracking" on my ________ " ( fill in the with your device name )

For iPhone:
System Settings > Wi-Fi > click the little circle with an i on the far right side> Disable "Limit IP address tracking"

For PC Desktop:
Search for: Settings then click Privacy> Location ( on left side of menu ) then under: Allow access to location on this device click the "Change" button and turn setting to "On".

If you're using a VPN: ( if you don't know what a VPN is, you probably don't have one )
To disable "Limit IP Address Tracking" on a VPN, typically accessed through your device's settings, navigate to your network settings, select the Wi-Fi network you're connected to, and then toggle off the "Limit IP Address Tracking" option; this feature is usually associated with Apple devices and their iCloud Private Relay function.

If you're using Ad Blocker:
Turn off ad blocker for Youtube.( consult your ad blocker help file or website for info on how do do this, it will be different for each software )

I am really sorry if you are having to contend with this and please know it is as frustrating to me as it is to you. I am losing subscribers daily because of this. I wish I had a better solution but this is all I have been able to find out so far.

Thank you so much for sticking with me through this.
