It took me 40 Years to Realize What I'll tell you in 8 Minutes #Video
Added 301 Views / 0 Likes"What if I told you that the things you’re chasing—whether it’s a promotion, a raise, or the perfect body—aren’t really what you’re looking for? After 40 years of adult life, multiple careers, and countless experiences,
A glimpse into a BEAUTIFUL SOUL #Video
Added 6,043 Views / 0 LikesEven in life’s most challenging moments, beauty quietly waits to offer us comfort. In times of pain or loss, noticing the small things around us — the warmth of sunlight, the comfort of a friend — can remind us of life’s gentle gra
Ultimate Truth - Our Purpose on Earth #Video
Added 6,791 Views / 0 LikesIn today’s fast-paced world, so many of us have lost touch with Mother Nature. We’re constantly surrounded by technology, running from one responsibility to the next, rarely taking a moment to step outside and just breathe. The natural world,
An ORDINARY BEAUTIFUL LIFE - simple living #Video
Added 8,193 Views / 0 LikesWrinkles, lines, scars - there are many ways that time leaves its mark on our bodies. Yet mainstream culture dreads getting older - we are urged to fight the ageing process, and many feel pressure to lie about their age. But as Betty Friedan famously said
Terry Bradshaw: From Dreamer to Record-Breaker #Video
Added 7,490 Views / 0 LikesThis video captures an inspiring interview with Terry Bradshaw, who shares his journey from a young boy with a dream of playing in the NFL to becoming a record-breaking athlete. Through candid reflections and personal anecdotes, Terry discusses his love f
A Glimmer Of Hope, A Mutual Rescue Moment #Video
Added 6,799 Views / 0 LikesIn a world filled with challenges and heartache, animals often provide a source of healing and companionship. This is the story of Sarah, a woman who found solace and purpose through fostering dogs, helping those in recovery find hope and a chance for a b
Tanner & Rei, A Mutual Rescue Film #Video
Added 8,419 Views / 0 Likes"Rescuing a dog might just make you a better human." - Tanner Hopson At age 39, Tanner Hopson experiences a sudden, life-threatening medical emergency. While struggling to recover, he rescues Rei, a neglected puppy who becomes Tanner’s guiding light
We need more peace in our lives - Christopher Ameruoso #Video
Added 354 Views / 0 LikesWe need more peace in our lives - Christopher Ameruoso #Video
We Learn It Too Late - 103 Year Old Dr. on Life's Secrets #Video
Added 12.3k Views / 0 LikesAt 103 years old, Dr. Gladys McGarey shares the secrets to a longer, healthier, happier life. For more, see Dr. Gladys' new book: The Well-Lived Life
BIGGEST REGRET of An 80-Year-Old. #Video
Added 12.5k Views / 0 LikesReflecting on "Winnie the Pooh," we explore the importance of cherishing life's joyful moments with Gabor Maté. Just as Christopher Robin bids farewell to his friends, we learn that prioritizing work over family and play can lead to regret. Join us
Gallops and Gratitude: Willow's Role in a Cancer Survivor's Life
Added 7,539 Views / 0 LikesExplore the inspiring tale of a woman who found solace and strength in her horse, Willow, amidst her fight with breast cancer. Witness how their rides became a sanctuary, transforming fear into hope.
We're Giving Away $30 Million in Free Food #Video
Added 7,384 Views / 0 Likes241 million tons of food is produced in the USA evry year and what is frightening is that more than one third of it goes to waste. This means that more than 150 million potential meals are being thrown into landfill while 44 million Americans live with li
Ohio Heritage Fellow: Don MacRostie | Red Diamond Mandolin Builder #Video
Added 549 Views / 0 LikesVisit Red Diamond Mandolins in Athens, Ohio, where luthier and Ohio Heritage Fellow Don MacRostie puts his heart and soul into each handcrafted instrument. Website:
The King & Queen of Blu Water Bistro #Video
Added 21.4k Views / 0 LikesWhen the tough stuff shows up, be it advancing age, or health problems, or a pandemic, some of us endure. We power through. And then there are those rarest of birds who rise above the squall and soar, pulling others up with them along the way. Dennis and
Hearing Loss (A True Story) - Geoff Castellucci #Video
Added 12.5k Views / 0 LikesHEY YA'LL. My wife, Kathy, suffers from what is known as "Cookie Bite" hearing loss and Diplacusus Disharmonica. This is the story of her hearing loss journey, we hope it helps a few of you along your journey, too. MORE INFORMATION AND SOME WAYS YOU CAN S
Meet Colette Maze One Of The Oldest Pianists In The World #Video
Added 15.3k Views / 0 LikesFrench Pianist Colette Maze has been playing the piano since she was five years old. Now, at the age of 106, she’s still in love with the magnificent instrument. She says that being passionate is the key to staying young at heart.