Meet 83 Yr. Old Twin Mechanics Odus and Orus Stokes Video!
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesOdus and Orus Stokes were identical twins, who fixed automobiles together for nearly 70 years. Their garage in Brownwood, Texas, may have been the oldest, greasest, dustiest most cultered up auto shop in Texeas. Odus was married to the same woman for over
1950s USA – The Decade America Fell in Love with Cars #Video
Added 11.8k Views / 0 LikesRemembering the Decade When We Loved Our Cars – (And They Loved Us Back!) For many Americans, the decade of the 1950s was a magical time. We were enjoying a mix of post-war prosperity, social cohesion, and technological advancements that created a s
1966 Corvette Passed Down From Father To Daughter | Why I Drive | #Video
Added 11.3k Views / 0 LikesThis 1966 Chevrolet Corvette didn't find its way into Leslie Sisco's family on the best terms. “When Mom came home, she found herself the new owner of a Corvette,” says Leslie with a smile, “and Dad nearly found himself divorced.”
Greatest barn find collection known to man | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 94 #Video
Added 10.5k Views / 0 LikesA few years ago we had the pleasure of viewing a once in a lifetime collection that had Tom speechless the entire time we were there. When we film locations of this scale, there are often cars left out of the edit so we thought we would go back and put to
The UNBELIEVABLE History of Harley-Davidson #Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesMotorcycle Madness: The History of Harley-Davidson Through Photos and Story
JACKPOT: 90,000sqft of Barn Find Heaven #Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 Likes90,000sqft or six barns full of dusty, rusty, forgotten treasures from decades of collecting. To name a few, GTOs, Caprices, Firebirds, Blazers, Suburban, Trucks, Jeeps, Broncos, and some pre-war cars. Everything is for sale and everything must go. Messag
Meet Ross And Family. They Own A Model T Shop. #Video
Added 9,298 Views / 0 LikesMeet the couple with two very different upbringings & see how Model T's brought them together. Ross LillekerLilleker Antique Auto8437 Turkey Creek RdCollege Station, TX 77845 Phone: 979-218-4083Website:
Dash Cam | Bad Drivers & Close Calls
Added 9,197 Views / 0 LikesThis compilation shows dashhelmet cam footage of some close calls, collisions and just genuinely bad driving!
10 Most Dangerous High Roads In The World Video
Added 8,778 Views / 0 Likes10 Most Dangerous High Roads In The World
MORE 1940s America - Life at the Gas Station in Original BLACK & WHITE #Video
Added 8,498 Views / 0 LikesI hope you enjoy these old black & white photos - and thanks for watching!
Born for Route 66 - Jamie and her 1967 Pontiac GTO | Why I Drive #22
Added 8,225 Views / 0 LikesJamie Saavedra was born on Route 66 in Albuquerque, NM. Her parents brought her home in a Pontiac Catalina. She grew up working on cars with her dad and eventually grew up to be a diesel mechanic. She saved up and eventually bought her dream car: a 1967 P
Through a lifetime of working on cars, Dan Walters still has the itch | Why I Drive #15
Added 7,989 Views / 0 LikesFor Dan Walters, cars represent a lifelong interest as well as a career. Walters started off working at a gas station and later a garage, then a Ford dealership, and eventually opened his own collision shop, so he has lived and breathed car culture his en
Inheriting a legacy: The Garvin’s Ford Model A woody wagon | Why I Drive
Added 7,977 Views / 0 LikesDave and Cheri Garvin's 1929 Ford Model A wagon is more than just metal, wood, tires, wires, and an engine. It's a daily reminder of Cheri's dad. Not only was it his favorite classic, working on it together further strengthened the family bond. Now the Ga
The One That Almost Got Away | A Hagerty Christmas Short Film
Added 7,870 Views / 0 LikesIt's one of the great unifying experiences that automotive enthusiasts everywhere can commiserate over: "I never should have sold that car." That car we owned when we were young, wild, and free, before life forced our hand and we traded dreams for reality
I Spent $500K On My 'Sexy' Custom Chevy | RIDICULOUS RIDES #Video
Added 7,522 Views / 0 LikesMORE than $500,000 and a lot of care went into transforming an old Chevy Sedan into a “brutally sexy” mobile. Chad Martin has been turning heads with his custom ’36 Chevy Master Sedan which he and his staff at Chad’s Custom Dreams
The Thanksgiving Song | Ben Rector #Video
Added 7,374 Views / 0 LikesWhen I started putting together the Christmas album, I realized I hadn't ever heard a Thanksgiving song. I feel like everyone has an emotional connection and a lot of memories around Thanksgiving, just like they do Christmas, so I did my best to write a s