Pets And Animals
Woman Pushes Bear Off Fence to Save Dogs #Video
Added 13.5k Views / 0 LikesThis may very well be the shortest and most intense video I have ever shared. Don't mess with this bear OR this woman!
Robot Spy Elephant Takes A Bath With Pygmy Elephants #Video
Added 13.5k Views / 0 LikesThe elusive pygmy elephants of Borneo are rarely seen but during the dry season they visit the river more often. It's where they drink and bathe. So Robotic Spy Pygmy Elephant joins them for a bath and a magical close encounter! Meanwhile Robotic Spy Egre
Neighbor's Cat Scratches On Couple's Door Every Day Asking To Come Inside #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesNeighbor's cat scratches on this couple's door every day asking to come inside — now they have sleepovers together
Little Boy And His Dog Became BFFs The Second They Met
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesLittle Boy And His Dog Became BFFs The Second They Met | There's nothing like the bond between a kid and his first dog For more of Reagan his human best ... For more of Reagan his human best friend, you can follow them on Instagram:
Best Pets of the Month Video (November 2020)
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesThe month is wrapping up...that doesn't mean the pet fun has to stop!
Parrot Follows Her Favorite Kid Everywhere
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesThis red-crowned Amaz0n parrot follows her best friend Wyatt everywhere they go. Jax and Wyatt are growing up together on their dad's ranch in Austin, Texas, and are best friends for life.
Man Scares Away Charging Elephant. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesFrom a charging elephant to a glowing duck egg, these are just a couple of the great clips you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
Smart little Crow survives storm crushing down his Tree #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesA Storm took down a tree that was the home to a crows family. When the tree was put to the side, a boy heard something squeaking and discovered a tragedy. One of the baby crows survived. Now he is my funny and curious friend.Please leave your ideas in the
Shy Rescue Donkey Turns Into A MONSTER! #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesRescue donkey can't stop chasing his human dad, so his parents get him the perfect present...
Sheep Covered In 90-Pounds Of Wool Gets Life-Saving Makeover #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesThis sheep covered in 90-pounds of heavy wool gets a life-saving makeover.
The Funniest Moments With Horses #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesThis hilarious video will prove that horses aren't just majestic creatures; they're also a source of endless amusement.
Elephant Herd Travel 12 Hours To Mourn Human Who Rescued Them! #Video
Added 13.4k Views / 0 LikesElephant herd travel 12 hours to mourn human who rescued themOften in our animals, we try to see a similar trait, whether it is the adorable, apologetic way dogs look at you when they do something wrong, or the way cats purr and cuddle with their humans t
Mini Horse Tries So Hard To Make His Very First Friend #Video
Added 13.3k Views / 0 LikesTeeny tiny horse couldn't make a single friend — until he met a dog who was bigger than him
63-Year-Old Woman Is A Real-Life Animal Whisperer #Video
Added 13.3k Views / 0 LikesShe’s met many wild animals, but one holds a special place in her heart.
Animals Reacting to Magic For The First Time! #Video
Added 13.3k Views / 0 LikesHere are some animals reacting and seeing magic tricks for the first time!