Pets And Animals
Vocal Pittie Makes A Different Sound For Every Place He Goes #Video
Added 586 Views / 0 LikesVery vocal pittie has a different sound for every place he goes — wait til his parents take him to Starbucks for a pup cup
LAZY Husky ARGUES About Getting Out of BED For a Walk! #Video
Added 590 Views / 0 LikesLAZY Husky ARGUES About Getting Out of BED For a Walk! He's taken to arguing with my in the mornings about coming down from his bed to go for a walk, yet he LOVES his walks, he's a complicated boy!
The Tiniest Rescue Kitten Makes The Cutest Little Noises Video
Added 817 Views / 0 LikesThis kitten finally learns how to play and it is so ridiculously cute!
Dog Found Paralyzed In A Field Reunites With Rescuer A Year Later #Video
Added 352 Views / 0 LikesThis dog was so sad when he was rescued
Watch This Little Dog Make The Craziest Recovery - NOODLES | The Dodo
Added 944 Views / 0 LikesWatch This Little Dog Make The Craziest Recovery | This puppy had one week to live — but miracles happen every day
Woman Carries Injured Falcon Up A Cliff #Video
Added 610 Views / 0 LikesThe second rescue is even crazier! A snake bird was found with cotton tied around his beak. He could not eat and barely walk, so a man helped cut him free. On the other side of the country, a Falcon was also struggling to walk. A woman helps him up a clif
Funny Animal That Will Absolutely Brighten Up Your Day #Video
Added 16.5k Views / 0 LikesIf you don't know what to do, then this video's for you. These incredible animal' moments'll help you discover a lot of amazing things. I hope that this video will brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Enjoy!
Blind Cat Demands A Shower Every Day #Video
Added 1,493 Views / 0 LikesBlinkin loves the shower and needs to get in at least once a day. His seeing-eye cat, Wicket, helps dry him off when he’s done!
Baby Bear!!s #video
Added 547 Views / 0 LikesOur Asiatic black bear, Omai, and her new cub, Ramsey, can now be seen on exhibit by the public. Ramsey was born in February and has been off exhibit with her mother growing and bonding. Bears are born pink with little fuzz and weighing less than a pound.
Cute baby animals Videos Compilation Cute moment of the animals - Cutest Animals On Earth #1
Added 980 Views / 0 LikesCute baby animals Videos Compilation Cute moment of the animals - Cutest Animals On Earth #1
Foster Pittie Goes Viral For REALLY Wanting Pizza #Video
Added 331 Views / 0 LikesFoster pittie, Miracle went viral for REALLY wanting pizza ...and that is what got her adopted
The Great Outdoors || JukinVideo Vault
Added 864 Views / 0 LikesHopefully this summer everyone got a chance to enjoy the great outdoors, if not we got you. Our library has some of the best outdoor clips the internet has to offer. So this week in the JukinVideo Vault we will meet some of the happiest campers, lots of w
Cyclists find puppy by the side of the road
Added 1,182 Views / 0 LikesCyclists on adventure spots abandoned puppy – and makes a life-changing decision
Baby Elephant Pyi Mai Invite Her Elder Friend To Join With Her Herd - ElephantNews #Video
Added 688 Views / 0 LikesPyi MaI loves to visit with her elder friend Wan Mai, and invites her to come join with her family. It's always a lot of fun, as long as the nannies get along. At the end of the video, Pyi Mai checks with the cameraman to see if he caught all of these goo
Rescue Dog Does Parkour To Keep The Squirrels Out Of Her Yard #Video
Added 22k Views / 0 LikesThis dog jumps on her fence every day to make sure the squirrels stay out of her backyard. You can help Matt and Lexi save more animals by donating to: For more of Lexi the jumping dog, you can follow her on Instagram: thed
Giving A Hissing Feral Kitten A Bath And This Happens... #Video
Added 1,229 Views / 0 LikesFeral kitten kept hissing at her rescuer — but everything changed after her first bath