Pets And Animals
Luckiest People Alive… #Video
Added 17.2k Views / 0 LikesThese are the luckiest people in the world. From impossible odds to lucky moments. This is what happens when incredible luck is caught on camera.
Plumbing Tips & Hacks That Work Extremely Well No 2. #Video
Added 666 Views / 0 LikesIndoor plumbing and sewage systems were one of the 18th-century revolutions for city welfare. We take it for granted, but it needs repairing and maintenance anyways. We bring you a few Tips and Hacks to make the task easier. Watch this review and tell us
Terrified Rescued Dog Learns To Let Love In #Video
Added 1,078 Views / 0 LikesDog who wanted to hide from the world falls in love with a cranky, senior cat
These 10 Dog Breeds Get Stolen Most Often Video
Added 828 Views / 0 LikesWhy are dog thieves poaching specific breeds of pups off the front porch, the backyard, or in a parked car? It’s a matter of popularity and portability. “The most stolen breeds tend to correspond with the most popular breeds in the country at
Best Pets of the Week - DOG ESCAPE ARTIST
Added 7,197 Views / 0 LikesFrom a hungry horse to a curious kangaroo...enjoy Best Pets of the Week!!!
Disabled duck finds her true calling #Video
Added 352 Views / 0 LikesPuppies love their duck nanny
Watch This Teeny Tiny Wobbly Puppy Take Off Running | The Dodo
Added 1,356 Views / 0 LikesThis wobbly little puppy, Rosalie, couldn't even sit up on her own — look at her now! She was born in a vet clinic with a condition called cerebellar hypoplasia, but with a loving mom and a strong will to live, Rosalie is the happiest puppy and live
Two years on an old logging road in Northern Minnesota #Video
Added 627 Views / 0 LikesThis camera was out in the woods for almost 2 years (2021-2023) and here is the "highlight reel"! What makes this video particularly neat is that we got footage of virtually every large carnivore in northern Minnesota aside from the “black cougar&rd
CAT LOGIC - If It Fits I Sits | Dumpster Kitty #Video
Added 626 Views / 0 LikesDumpster kitty returns! … Marmalade’s old dumpster made it’s way into our back garden and the Florida weather just destroyed it, so we treated him to a new one :)
Dog Rescued From A Box After 16 Years Gets To Be A Puppy For The First Time #Video
Added 805 Views / 0 LikesThis 16-year-old dog gets rescued from being trapped in a box for his entire life. Watch his transformation from being matted and unrecognizable to getting the opportunity to run around like a puppy again
American Crows Calling
Added 702 Views / 0 LikesThis Crow seemed to be trying to tell or ask me something - like give me some breakfast......
Cat and new puppy's unexpected first meeting #Video
Added 333 Views / 0 LikesProof that love knows no boundaries
03:56 Popular
Sugar Glider vs Wallaby: Which Pet Would You Rather Have? | Pets 101
Added 990 Views / 0 LikesDeliberate which of these unique and fuzzy animals found in Australia, you’d rather have as a pet. Learn some fun facts about their abilities, eating habits and what they’re like to have as pets. Stream Full Episodes of Pets 101 : https://www.animalplanet
Guy Rescues Hawk Tangled In Fishing Line #Video
Added 652 Views / 0 Likesheron is also tangled on a fishing line. Three people are able to rescue and free the bird.
Cross-Eyed Kitten Takes His Grandma's House By Storm! #Video
Added 683 Views / 0 LikesMom said no to getting a cat...