Pets And Animals
Senior Cat Turned Into A Literal Infant When She Got Adopted #Video
Added 788 Views / 0 LikesSenior rescue cat turns into a needy baby, so her mom thinks of the cutest way to accommodate her cuddling needs
Meet Bailey - The Gentle Bloodhound #Video
Added 12.5k Views / 0 LikesDestiny owns a farm in TobaccoVille and was looking for another dog. After some research she realized a Bloodhound would be perfect. As soon as she met Bailey she fell in love. They have the same personality and love causing trouble together. Bailey is a
Mother Cat Walking With Her Kittens And Hitting Them To Go Inside #Video
Added 1,424 Views / 0 LikesKittens Are 1 Month Old And They're Walking Out With Mother Cat And She's Protecting Them. she's asking Them To Follow Her. she hit them when she doesn't listen to her. and finally she got successful to take them inside.
Not impressed and Hotey strikes again! Jacobs Ridge #Video
Added 582 Views / 0 LikesIn celebration of world donkey day. show some love to the sanctuary PATREON:
Snacktime With The Sea Otter Lincoln Video
Added 662 Views / 0 LikesToday we’re meeting the sea otter Lincoln!
Rescue Raccoon Is The Favorite Child #Video
Added 295 Views / 0 LikesEmpty nesters rescued this raccoon 8 years ago... now she sleeps at moms pillow every night!
10:04 Popular
Added 838 Views / 0 LikesTechZone ► Probably, each of us wants to get some kind of superpower, like the famous comic book characters. The protagonists of today's video clearly have a superpower and it's called ultra-high speed. It is difficult to follow the
Pittie Obsessed With Santa Gets The Ultimate Surprise #Video
Added 675 Views / 0 LikesPittie Obsessed With Santa Gets The Ultimate Surprise #Video Pittie cries of happiness when he sees Santa Claus on TV, so mom gives him the ultimate Christmas surprise
Wonderful Wolf Sings at Sunset #Video
Added 406 Views / 0 LikesNikai is a captive-born gray wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, in South Salem, NY. He is one of two education wolves at the WCC who help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment. If y
The Happiest Rescued Ducks In the World #Video
Added 656 Views / 0 LikesTippi and Brigitte the rescue ducks are just enjoying their new life.
Calm Husky Teaches Hyper Puppy And Talks To Her! #Video
Added 724 Views / 0 LikesCalm Husky Teaches Hyper Puppy And Talks To Her! Husky Confused By Crazy PUPPY in His GARDEN!
Crusoe & Daphne Unbox and Test Out NEW AMAZING FEEDING MACHINE! #Video
Added 487 Views / 0 LikesAvailable at Amaz0n: null/3GKEnMR Keeps food fresh & clean with moisture-proof sealEasy to operate with LED touch screenMeals,no longer with human error! Feed up to 6 meals/dayEasy cleaning with detachable piecesSafety detection for the mischievous pu
Rescuer’s Fight to Free a Buried Raccoon
Added 346 Views / 0 LikesThe moment the rescuer finally realizes how the poor creature is stuck
01:14 Popular
Raccoon Eats Cucumber
Added 775 Views / 0 LikesWho said diets were difficult? All we need to do is follow this cute raccoon's example and happily munch on cucumbers all day. The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we
Kestrel Family Overcome Tragic Loss | Jeff & Jenny | Full Story | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 811 Views / 0 LikesSoon after young kestrel pair Jeff and Jenny meet, they welcome three healthy chicks into the family. But tragedy strikes when Jeff disappears.
This donkey loves the sunshine in her shoulder #Video
Added 419 Views / 0 LikesHeaven the rescue donkey