Tony Robbins Video - One Stranger Changed His Life Forever | Inspirational Speech | Goalcast
Added 807 Views / 0 Likes✪ Tony Robbins was just a young boy when his father left. It was the worst day of his life. But as it happens many times in life, the worst experience can be your great teacher, the moment that drives us to improve. Be inspired by this speech to be better
TRAIN YOUR MIND - Navy SEAL Teaches You How To Deal With ANYTHING | David Goggins Speech
Added 1,138 Views / 0 Likes✪ Relentless human and Navy SEAL David Goggins opens up about confronting his past to sharpen his mind. Motivation to aspire to greatness!✪ TRAIN YOUR MIND - Navy SEAL Teaches You How To Deal With ANYTHING | David Goggins Speech | Goalcast Video Scri
10:13 Popular
Tranquil Ocean Scenes With Soothing Music And Inspirational Quotes
Added 1,182 Views / 0 LikesTranquil ocean scenes with soothing music and inspirational quotes from the shores of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands. From sunset to sunrise the brilliant colors and dancing clouds will heal and comfort you as you sit on the beach and reflect on memories t
True Inspirational Video of Stories To Change Your Life | Top Motivational Speeches | Goalcast
Added 862 Views / 0 Likes✪ They all have a common story, coming out of poverty and achieving success thanks to the example and advice of the most important person in their lives. This compilation of inspirational speeches will motivate you to use the difficulties of your life as
Ultimate Truth - Our Purpose on Earth #Video
Added 6,803 Views / 0 LikesIn today’s fast-paced world, so many of us have lost touch with Mother Nature. We’re constantly surrounded by technology, running from one responsibility to the next, rarely taking a moment to step outside and just breathe. The natural world,
00:15 Popular
Added 774 Views / 0 LikesFor Umbrella, FBL wanted to create the impression of a highway traffic jam, in the rain, at rush hour. But during filming, the day was clear, and the spot was filmed in a parking lot. The crew lined up many cars in order to create the impression of a high
01:00 Popular
Added 837 Views / 0 LikesSome of FBLs spots, including Umpire, tell a story from a persons youth, several decades ago. For these spots, the art department is charged with getting clothing (such as baseball uniforms) that matches that period in history. Some of these spots also ne
05:50 Popular
Unique Traffic Stops In Kansas City, Missouri Bring Drivers To Tears. Watch Last Night's
Added 824 Views / 0 LikesUnique traffic stops in Kansas City, Missouri bring drivers to tears. Watch last night's On the Road with Steve Hartman. #CBSEveningNews #OnTheRoad Louis.
Valedictorian Shares Important Life Lesson | Kyle Martin Speech | Goalcast
Added 15.3k Views / 0 LikesIn this epic valedictorian speech, Kyle Martin gets struck by the wisdom of the 16th second. Video Script:: I stand before you tonight as the 2019 valedictorian this time last year I found out that I was in the running for this title it was then that
Very Special Puppy Gets A Sister Who's Just Like Him - POPCORN | The Dodo Adoption Day
Added 12k Views / 0 LikesThere's nothing better than a best friend who just totally gets you.
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Veteran gives young diver a lesson in courage
Added 1,360 Views / 0 LikesDylan Stich, 4, was having a hard time jumping off the diving board all summer. So when a 95-year-old veteran heard about it, he decided to show how it's done. Steve Hartman has their story "On The Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE:
02:28 Popular
Wanted: Baby goat cuddlers
Added 864 Views / 0 LikesAt the Caromont goat cheese farm in southern Virginia, this is the time of year when baby goats run wild. About a hundred goats were born there in less than two weeks. With so many goats, owner Gail Hobbs-Page advertised for volunteer baby goat cuddlers.
02:48 Popular
Washing machine collector takes a whirl back in time
Added 1,450 Views / 0 LikesLee Maxwell started collecting washing machines years ago, and now he has enough to fill two warehouses. Steve Hartman has his story "On the Road." Subscribe to the "CBS Evening News" Channel HERE: Watch Full Episodes of the "CBS Eve
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Waterfalls With Soothing Natural Sounds And Reflective Meditations
Added 1,133 Views / 0 LikesWaterfalls with soothing natural sounds and reflective meditations. Walk along a mountainside stream and babbling brooks with the sounds of healing waters and chirping birds. Scenes from Mt. Rainier, Yellowstone National Park, Blue Ridge Parkway at the Ma
We Gave These Girls The Surprise of a LIfetime - Random Acts
Added 945 Views / 0 LikesWe Gave These Girls The Surprise of a LIfetime - Random Acts. Ali has battled cancer since she was 4 years old, and Bentlie has been by her side every step of the way. Watch as we give them the surprise of a life time! #randomactsTV #BYUtv