We Learn It Too Late - 103 Year Old Dr. on Life's Secrets #Video
Added 12.3k Views / 0 LikesAt 103 years old, Dr. Gladys McGarey shares the secrets to a longer, healthier, happier life. For more, see Dr. Gladys' new book: The Well-Lived Life
We need more peace in our lives - Christopher Ameruoso #Video
Added 358 Views / 0 LikesWe need more peace in our lives - Christopher Ameruoso #Video
We Surprised Her with an Amazing Dog Sledding Adventure! - Random Acts
Added 1,032 Views / 0 LikesWe Surprised Her with an Amazing Dog Sledding Adventure! - Random Acts. We surprised these sisters with a dream come true - a magical dog sledding adventure! See their reaction:
We Surprised Him With a NEW Wheelchair Accessible Van! - Random Acts
Added 6,160 Views / 0 LikesWe Surprised Him With a NEW Wheelchair Accessible Van! - Random Acts. David lost his legs due to a medical condition and his travel is very restricted. We've got a BIG surprise for him!
We Turned This Boy Into An Action Hero - Random Acts
Added 6,028 Views / 0 LikesWilliam's spina bifida sometimes limits what he can do, but that didn't stop him from starring in his own action movie!
We Washed People's Cars While They Shopped! - Random Acts
Added 1,104 Views / 0 LikesWe Washed People's Cars While They Shopped! - Random Acts
We're Giving Away $30 Million in Free Food #Video
Added 7,391 Views / 0 Likes241 million tons of food is produced in the USA evry year and what is frightening is that more than one third of it goes to waste. This means that more than 150 million potential meals are being thrown into landfill while 44 million Americans live with li
00:27 Popular
Web Extra: How To Send Story Ideas To
Added 1,004 Views / 0 LikesSteve Hartman's producer Megan Kelty explains how you can send your story ideas for "On the Road" to CBS News. To submit an idea via Facebook at Email ideas to [email protected]
03:02 Popular
Web Extra: The Making Of
Added 1,071 Views / 0 LikesSteve Hartman and producer Megan Kelty talk about how they found the story of Thomas Graham, a blind man who is building his own house in Texas, and show what goes into creating their pieces each week.
Welcome to the King Family - Our Adoption Story
Added 8,090 Views / 0 Likes"This is the story of how my wife and I began our adventure in Foster Care and how we started our family." -Zach King I am outside a courthouse in Orange County and it's gonna be one of the most emotional days of my life but I need to give you a litt
What Child Is This Video - Piano & Electric Cello - The Piano Guys
Added 17.3k Views / 0 LikesHave you ever wondered who made the Manger? Was he an average carpenter barely making ends meet? Or was he someone extra special, destined to build the birthplace of Christmas? Did he think he was carving a run-of-the-mill wooden box to hold hay for a few
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What Congress can learn from Little League
Added 906 Views / 0 LikesThis week, some people tried to turn the baseball shooting into a political football, blaming one party or the other for the violence. Normally, you'd expect Congress to join in the mudslinging -- but they threw us a curveball at Thursday night's game. St
Where Passion and Inspiration Come From | Jeff Allen #Video
Added 799 Views / 0 LikesComedian Jeff Allen on where passion and inspiration come from...
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White Missouri woman's slave cabin sparks race talk
Added 787 Views / 0 LikesIn Sedalia, Missouri, a white woman built a slave cabin in an effort to start a conversation about race. The controversial move didn't exactly go over well. Steve Hartman went On the Road to find out what happened next.
WHY I CHOOSE JESUS | Denzel Washington's Powerful Motivational Speech #Video
Added 10.1k Views / 0 LikesThe Bible says “faith without works is nothing” so destiny is great, fate is great, faith is great – but you still have to work at it. I don’t just sit at home and wait for it all to unfold.At the end of the day, it's not about wha
Why Is It Hard to Talk About Getting Older?
Added 995 Views / 0 Likes"People don't even look at old people sometimes, it's like they're invisible." SoulPancake partnered with their friends at AARP to talk with some older people about what it feels like to age. Why do they/we sometimes feel invisible or disconnected and wha