01:42 Popular
Backstory: Nola Ochs
Added 949 Views / 0 LikesHear the story behind our billboard featuring Nola Ochs who received her diploma at the age of 96.
02:42 Popular
Backstory: Carol Donald
Added 805 Views / 0 LikesGet the backstory on our billboard featuring Carol Donald
07:35 Popular
Homecoming Queen Behind The Scenes
Added 1,003 Views / 0 LikesThe story of Shellie Eyre is of a life lived with courage, determination and unrestricted love for everyone she meets. She was born in 1979 with Down syndrome and is the second child of a family of four children. At three years of age she experienced a ma
01:30 Popular
Shellie Eyre Crowned Homecoming Queen
Added 1,353 Views / 0 LikesThe story of Shellie Eyre is of a life lived with courage, determination and unrestricted love for everyone she meets. She was born in 1979 with Down syndrome and is the second child of a family of four children. At three years of age she experienced a ma
03:30 Popular
You Can Let Go Behind The Scenes
Added 1,023 Views / 0 LikesSee a special video of Crystal talking about her song and what it means to her.
05:41 Popular
Oliver With A Twist Behind The Scenes
Added 968 Views / 0 LikesBritish orphan Oliver Twist always seems to find a way into our hearts. For this TV commercial, we add our own spin to the famous scene in Oliver's story when he asks for more food at the orphanage. Take a look as this tale takes on a twist of fate by way
01:01 Popular
Peer Pressure
Added 838 Views / 0 LikesPeer Pressure can be used as a positive force, as seen in this scenario! Take a look at one of our newest TV spots and watch as a group of teens influence their friend to 'do the right thing' while hanging out at a music store.
01:01 Popular
Added 944 Views / 0 LikesWhen the game is on the line we find out what kind of character we really have. In the heat of a championship basketball game a young man makes a decision that affects his entire team.
00:31 Popular
Added 812 Views / 0 LikesIn the frenzy of a classic birthday party with a shower of candy from the bursting piñata, we discover one disappointed young man without a single piece. Someone notices and transforms the memory from sour to sweet by sharing.
00:31 Popular
Added 980 Views / 0 LikesOften the best ideas come from real life. The concept for "Baseball" originated when the spot's director was looking out his window, at his son playing a game with some neighborhood children. Just as in "Baseball," one boy ended up being left out. It was
02:40 Popular
Backstory: Albert Lexie
Added 1,119 Views / 0 LikesSee Albert's Billboard at Every Tuesday and Thursday for more than 30 years, Albert Lexie has left his home at 5:50 a.m. to travel 90 minutes by bus to the Children's Hospital i
05:45 Popular
Backstory: Alferd Williams
Added 1,001 Views / 0 LikesSee Alferd's Billboard at Alferd Williams was born in 1937 in Eudora, Arkansas, one of nine children in his family. When he was a boy, his parents, who worked as sharecroppers,
02:57 Popular
Backstory: Linda Fondren
Added 1,091 Views / 0 LikesSee Linda's Billboard at "If you're not healthy, you're not happy." With this simple but powerful mantra, Linda Fondren has been changing lives in Vicksburg, Mississippi. It's n
01:31 Popular
Apple Stand
Added 1,077 Views / 0 LikesThe story of "Apple Stand" seemingly takes place over the course of a couple minutes but, like many of FBL's spots, the filming took an entire day. The setting for "Apple Stand" was a beautiful location. During production, however, it rained, snowed, was
01:31 Popular
Added 695 Views / 0 LikesThe greatest struggles in relationships are always centered around communication. Certainly we want to be understood which requires that first we reach out to understand the other person. But distractions in our busy lives can keep good communication from