Pets And Animals
Pig Charges Bear and Defends Her Farm Animal Friends #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesIt’s a "tail" of a pig who faced a bear and won. Barbie Q lives on Ruff Acres, a hobby farm in Sooke, B.C., with three goats, two sheep, many pigs, chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, four dogs and seven cats. But she’s now the hero of the farm afte
Ody cat protects BiBi monkey from naughty duck #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesAn unusual group of animals playing together and getting along with each other. They all play at little rough at times but seem to be having a bunch of fun. Enjoy!
Dog with partial brain invents new way to walk #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesThis dog invented his own new way to walk.
Life Is Tough, But So Am I Said The Little Bear Cub!
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesI could hardly bear to watch this poor baby trying to climb a snow covered mountain to re-unite with it's Mom! Will he/she make it? Watch the video and hold on to your chair...
Woman Brings Home A Perfect Dog...A Vet Visit Changed Their Lives #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesSeptember of last year Ozzie started limping so her owner takes him to the vet. Check out Ozzie's story.
Top Animal Magical Encounters
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesAnimals make the world magic! Whether friendly encounters with a baby deer, flying geese, baby sea turtles, a whale or even a hug from a loving kangaroo, these magical moments are sure to brighten your day.
Abandoned dog living in pile of tires #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesThis abandoned dog, living in a pile of tires like garbage, will finally get the life she deserves. Thank you Megan for telling us Dutchie’s story. Lola's Lucky Day is working tirelessly towards rescuing and finding forever homes for homeless dogs i
Dog's Hilariously Adoption Post Helps Him Find Forever Home #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesWoman writes the most hilariously honest adoption post for her gross, badly behaved foster dog — and it finds him the perfect forever home.
How not Killing Mice led to an unexpected Save #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesThey can be little troublemakers, but I would never kill a mouse. When I released some mice I had caught, I made an unexpected discovery. Another little bird in need of help crossed my path, I had no idea what had happened to her.
Genius Animals: Unbelievable Feats of Brainpower #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesPrepare to be amazed by the extraordinary intelligence of animals! From a monkey wielding a sharpened stone to a lion's crafty car door opening, and even a creative mama goat turning a ride into a makeshift carousel for her baby, this video is packed with
3D Printing Technology Gives Animals A Second Chance #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesSome of these animals survived terrible injuries and were left without the means to eat, drink, or walk. Thankfully, dedicated caretakers and 3D printing technology have provided them with the means to start new lives with cutting-edge prosthetics. Beauty
Don't trying to mess with these dog - Funny Dog Reaction #video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesDogs doing dog stuff and some of them are extremely funny...
Doggie School Bus Picks Up Pups For 'School' #video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesDogs can’t wait to climb aboard the Doggie School Bus, which takes them to an outdoor dog day care in West Linn, Oregon.
Just How Dangerous are they? You Decide! #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesIn this eye-opening video, you will see the potential hazards and risks associated with a yellow hornet nest (D arenaria) located in Burlington, Connecticut on July 11, 2023. Witness firsthand the importance of leaving these nests to the experts. Watch as
Dogs are truly the kings and queens of comedy #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesThese furry friends are sure to make you laugh and smile. From silly antics to adorable moments, these dogs will brighten your day. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the cuteness! And be sure to share with your friends!
Surprising top 10 facts about DONKEYS you probably didn't know! #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesBet you didn't know these 10 things about donkeys.