Pets And Animals
Amazing Pet Facts: DOGS VIDEO
Added 868 Views / 0 LikesDid you know these amazing pet facts about dogs?
Family's Stubborn Cat Refuses To Get Off The Roof | The Dodo
Added 2,465 Views / 0 LikesThis cat's dad spent days trying to get her off their roof.
Dog Rescued With Arrow In Chest #Video
Added 388 Views / 0 LikesThankfully, Luuksorn made a full recovery Thank you The Man That Rescues Dogs for giving this dog a second chance---
Lucas The Spider - Don't Eat Me
Added 1,117 Views / 0 LikesLucas the Spider has a hard time making friends but that doesn't stop him from trying! !
Alone in the sea with sharks and a camera... #Video
Added 446 Views / 0 LikesAlone in the sea with sharks and a camera... #Video
His name is Bond. And he's an agent of drama. #Video
Added 782 Views / 0 LikesHis name is Bond. And he's an agent of drama. #Video
Cub is separated from the cow that raised him - The reaction is touching
Added 1,384 Views / 0 LikesThe dog cries because they separated him from the cow that raised him, but at the end of the video there is a wonderful surprise
This one-eyed tripod dog looks like a weird bat video
Added 616 Views / 0 LikesThe world's strangest bat or the cutest dog? You decide. Bean has one eye, three legs and one eardrum. She spends her days having fun with her mom, Alesha and rest of the family. Her start was shockingly traumatic. Someone threw her from a car like a tras
We used a Robot-Bunny-Bike to analyse an Eagle's ATTACK! | Natural World - BBC
Added 684 Views / 0 LikesWhat makes eagles such incredible hunters? We find out with the help of Tilly the golden eagle and a specially-made robot hare. Eagles are the most powerful birds in the sky. They are capable of tackling enormous prey, spotting food at vast distances and
A Glimmer Of Hope, A Mutual Rescue Moment #Video
Added 6,807 Views / 0 LikesIn a world filled with challenges and heartache, animals often provide a source of healing and companionship. This is the story of Sarah, a woman who found solace and purpose through fostering dogs, helping those in recovery find hope and a chance for a b
Hundreds of Manta Rays Leap into the Air
Added 1,028 Views / 0 LikesAre these mysterious rays trying to fly? Here we see a large group of rays performing acrobatic leaps as they breach the ocean surface. These flying rays, sometimes known as mobula or devil rays, are very mysterious. They are known for their characteristi
Dog has strangest reaction to tennis balls #Video
Added 616 Views / 0 LikesDog has strangest reaction to tennis balls #Video
This Mama Dog Just Wanted Her Freezing Pups To Be Warm #Video
Added 732 Views / 0 LikesWatch Stray Rescue St. Louis save this mama and her four freezing puppies from an abandoned house!
there’s something about marmalade #Video
Added 597 Views / 0 LikesMarmatweaks are in full effect! (catnip was not involved)
Snuggly Snowy Kittens Video
Added 639 Views / 0 LikesSubscribe for Your daily dose of cuteness!
Pepino and His Lost Ball...
Added 769 Views / 0 LikesI had no idea all this drama was going on while my assistants Violette and Raphaëlle were here. Good thing they thought to document this theft and recovery! Liberty Training at