Pets And Animals
A Dancing Pony Who wants a diamond Ring
Added 699 Views / 0 LikesYes this is Shadow a mini who also loves music but also loves diamond rings. Hope you enjoy this little clip of Christopher Ameruoso and Dr. Rachael 'The Rebel Vet' performing for Sahdow.
When the Baby Gets Another Cage - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 961 Views / 0 LikesLayla and Luna aren’t a fan of Dakota having a crib, so they take matters into their own paws
Why These Brothers Rescue Cats From Trees
Added 887 Views / 0 LikesShaun Sears and Tom Otto are certified tree climbers from Seattle. So far, they have rescued over 3,000 cats from trees, climbing as high as 175 feet.
I left my camera in the forest and this is what happened... #Video
Added 1,234 Views / 0 LikesI left my camera in the forest and this is what happened... #Video
Two Elephants Freed From Concrete Pit After 20 Years #Video
Added 933 Views / 0 LikesTwo elephants who lived in a concrete pit for 20 years are thrilled to play with mud for the first time
Horse becomes obsessed with man's glorious bald head #Video
Added 848 Views / 0 LikesHorse becomes obsessed with man's glorious bald head #Video
Takis Finds Dog Who Spent His Life On A Chain #Video
Added 864 Views / 0 LikesThis dog spent his whole life locked on a chain — watch what he does when Takis finally sets him free.
Wild Hamsters Fight Over Delicious Candle Wax. David Attenborough
Added 9,135 Views / 0 LikesIf it fits in my cheeks, I eats! Wild hamsters roam the graveyards of Vienna in search of fresh flowers and candle-wax, sometimes with hilarious consequences! Europe, a crowded continent transformed by mankind where extraordinary animals are found in surp
Traveling This Road Together, A Mutual Rescue Moment #Video
Added 7,878 Views / 0 LikesOur pets help us get through the hardest of times. We are so pleased to announce our latest Mutual Rescue Moment, Traveling This Road Together.In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Meridel adopts Sadie, a dog recovering from cancer. As the pandemic hits an
Teeny Tiny 'Imperfect' Puppy Is 100% Perfection
Added 11.5k Views / 0 LikesThis puppy was abandoned when she was only hours old, and now she's her mom's everything
Elephants Exciting On Arrival Of The Sand Truck - ElephantNews #Video
Added 1,622 Views / 0 LikesWhat fun it is when the sand truck arrives, stockpiling strategically for replacement of shelter sand every month. Elephants eagerly await each delivery - to throw it on themselves, covering their skin, or to climb on top just for fun and reach to the sky
Rescue Dog Surprised Mom When Jumped on Skate And It Didn't Stop #Video
Added 641 Views / 0 LikesDarrel is aiming to try every single sport by the end of the year! This dog started his sports journey
NEW DONKEY? tiptoe horse and Steve wants a racing car. #Video
Added 492 Views / 0 LikesTo support the work at the sanctuary please consider becoming a monthly patron at or making a one off donation at
Golden Retriever Spent His Life In A Cage Video
Added 690 Views / 0 LikesGolden retriever was rescued from a small cage and now he can finally run free because of this woman
A swaying, shimmying, stalking American Bittern. Tara Tanaka
Added 967 Views / 0 Likes"I had so many comments on the way that the Great Egret moved its head and neck in the Great Backyard Bird Count video, that I decided to reach back into some five-year old American Bittern footage that I’d been meaning to edit to