Pets And Animals
5 Reasons You'll Regret Adopting A Pittie #Video
Added 904 Views / 0 Likes5 Reasons You'll Regret Adopting A Pittie #Video
Nobody Can Tell What Lies Behind Those Eyes #Video
Added 900 Views / 0 LikesCheddar has something special about him. Perhaps it is his big eyes that stick out, or his multiple chins. There is something about the way he acts, sits, and behaves that make him one of the funniest dogs his dad has ever seen. When they got Cheddar, the
Three Rescued Elephants Accepted Each Other And Enjoying All Entire Life - ElephantNews #Video
Added 713 Views / 0 LikesChana, although one of her hind legs was broken, it has not restricted her of such complete enjoyment of life. She is always bright and beautiful.
Bunny attacks cat video
Added 708 Views / 0 LikesMonti (cat) plays with Waffles (bunny). Waffles is a 6 year old holland lop (now 8) who has always loved cats.
Triplet Goat Babies to Celebrate Earth Day!
Added 664 Views / 0 LikesHappy Earth Day! Olive has three doelings!! Maizy (brown, white, black and grey), Sweet Pea (black with white under front legs and on head) and Bessie (black with white on top of head). They began arriving just minutes after I logged on with a 3rd-grade c
We Caught A Little Black Devil And He Was Shocked #Video
Added 343 Views / 0 LikesWe Caught A Little Black Devil And He Was Shocked Long story short: we found this little black devil on the street, running in between the cars, almost got ran over. He was so shocked when we caught him, it was as if he sees a human for the first time. Th
01:58 Popular
LEGO Volkswagen T1 Camper Van 10220 Time-lapse Build
Added 915 Views / 0 LikesStrap in, because #VanLife just got a whole lot smaller. Sure, you can’t exactly live inside this LEGO 1962 Volkswagen T1 Camper Van, but nothing reminds you more of the open road and the great outdoors like a 1334-piece plastic replica. How do we know? B
Baby Animals 4K (60FPS) UHD - The Fun World Of Young Wild Animals With Relaxing Music #Video
Added 510 Views / 0 LikesI want to bring you the best footage of the animal world that I have recorded in my journeys to explore the natural world on Earth. The combination of wildlife footage and music helps our bodies become more relaxed, indirectly improving quality of life an
She Didn’t Trust People. Now She Bosses Them Around #Video
Added 665 Views / 0 LikesGreyhound racing is a huge problem. And Darcy was the victim of it. After the rough training and little to no human contact, the dog was anxious, hidden in her shell. Luckily, her new brother Hermes showed her the ropes. He opened her heart to people and
Horse Found On Craigslist Recognizes His First Mom After 2 Years #Video
Added 991 Views / 0 LikesThis woman thought she'd never see the wild horse she rescued again — years later he turned up on Craigslist and was SO happy she found him
Golden Retriever 'Funcle' Gets The Best Promotion #Video
Added 480 Views / 0 LikesThis golden retriever is the ultimate funcle! Watch what happens when he gets promoted to "big brother"
Talking Parrot - A Funny and Cutest Parrots Talking Compilation
Added 2,045 Views / 0 LikesTalking Parrot - A Funny and Cutest Parrots Talking Compilation
All About the Rare Boreal Owl and How to Find One #Video
Added 645 Views / 0 LikesOne of the Rarest Owls to Spot | The Boreal Owl