Pets And Animals
Cat Does The Cutest Thing When He Wants To Be Picked Up #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 LikesCat does the cutest thing when he wants to be picked up — and he's been doing it since he was SO tiny
This man used to fly humans. Now he flies shelter dogs. #Video
Added 14.9k Views / 0 LikesMeet David Tan... A former military pilot has gone to the dogs. Check out David's story: #dogs #bekind #animals ...
Parrot Learns To Walk On Tiny Boots After Losing Her Feet. #Video
Added 14.9k Views / 0 LikesParrot learns to walk on tiny boots after losing her feet
Friendly Cat Scares Away Delivery Man Video. Your Daily Dose Of Internet.
Added 14.9k Views / 0 LikesFrom a rising duck army to a crazy person biking in the mountains of Italy, these are just a couple of the great clips you will see in today's video.
Awaiting Life In Abandoned Giant Nandu Eggs. #Video
Added 14.9k Views / 0 Likes"Wow, I was so lucky to walk into this once in a lifetime opportunity! But these giant Nandu eggs had been laying there for weeks... would I stand any chance incubating them?"~ A Chick Called Albert Music in this video:Swan by Julian Gallant; Jeff Meegan;
Reason why owning a dog is not easy - Funny ANNOYING & TROUBLEMAKING DOGS #Video
Added 14.9k Views / 0 LikesOwning a dog is hard! Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are annoying.
Funny animals - Funny cats / dogs - Funny animal videos
Added 14.9k Views / 0 LikesOnly the best! Funny animals compilation. Enjoy!
Dog Smashes through Glass Door. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 14.8k Views / 0 LikesFrom lightning at the tip of a finger to a sad dog that can't figure out how to retrieve his ball, these of just a couple of the great clips you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
The Raven Who Solves Puzzles Video | Animal Einsteins
Added 14.8k Views / 0 LikesChris puts Bran the Common Raven to the test. Will he be able to work out the 7 steps to unlock the treat at the center of the puzzle?
The Toilet Paper Challenge
Added 14.8k Views / 0 LikesAll this talk about toilet paper... how much is too much for Shorty the cat?
Snow Angels Animals Playing In The Snow
Added 14.8k Views / 0 LikesEverybody loves a snow day, especially these very good bois!
I'm Ready For My Close-Up Video | Best Pets of the Week
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesFrom a very messy dog to goat yoga...Enjoy Best Pets of the Week!
Woman Goes To A Dumping Ground For Dogs Every Day At 4 a.m. For 10 Years #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesWoman's been going to a 'dumping ground' to save abandoned dogs every morning for 10 years — wait and see the before and afters that make it all SO worth it You can help Judy rescue more animals here:
Is This The World's Smartest Dog | Funniest Pets Of The Month #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesFrom a genius dirty doggo getting scratches at the car wash to a small bird who's the best at balancing, please enjoy these Funniest Pets of the Month!
Animal Crackers Music for Animals Compilation #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesChristopher Ameruoso is a musician, photographer and lover of animals. Today he shares with us a complation of animal/music videos he has recently made. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I did.
Rescue Horse Loves His Mom — But He's Obsessed With Her Boyfriend #Video
Added 14.7k Views / 0 LikesWoman earns rescue horse's trust and becomes his favorite person...until her boyfriend enters the picture and he develops a new obsession