Pets And Animals
Guy Is Obsessed With Getting A Hummingbird To Land On Him. Video.
Added 15.3k Views / 0 LikesJoe Ballantyne spent several hours each day trying to get a hummingbird to land in his hand. Watch to see how he finally did it...
8 Minis go to Minions Video - Emma Massingale
Added 15.2k Views / 0 Likes"It was time to put my mini's ( Em, Albert, Ernie, Peggy, Stan, Cedric, Cyril, Percy, Syd x )recent training to the test and take all eight ponies out across Bodmin moor for a little adventure. We started at Minions...yes that is right my minis went to Mi
Funniest Horse Act Ever! Cute And funny horse Videos
Added 15.2k Views / 0 LikesThese funny horses are bound to keep you smiliing for the rest of the day. Enjoy!
Stray Cat Decides To Work At A Car Shop And Greet Every Customer #Video
Added 15.2k Views / 0 LikesWhen Buster the stray cat showed up at Ray's car shop, he acted like he knew Ray forever. Ray had several rescues at home already, so he decided to make Buster the official office cat who has his own home there at the shop. After a hard week of work, Ray
What happened when a non-cat guy adopted disabled kitten video
Added 15.2k Views / 0 LikesHere's what happened when a non-cat guy adopted disabled kitten
Funny and Cute German Shepherd Puppies Compilation Video
Added 15.2k Views / 0 LikesThe German Shepherd is a breed of medium to large-sized working dog that originated in Germany. I hope you enjoy today's cute and funny clips.
Animals walking to the beat / Staying Alive
Added 15.1k Views / 0 LikesThese are the lucky ones...Thanks to animal sanctuaries like: Edgar's Mission:'s Menagerie:
Blind, Deaf Dog Chirps Like A Bird To Get Attention. #Video
Added 15.1k Views / 0 LikesHope is a product of a backyard breeder from Misouri. She is a mini double dapple dachshund that was born without eyes and is completely deaf. Her story is amazing! Follow Hope On Instagram:
Lone baby deer asked a family for help. Their response might surprise you. #Video
Added 15.1k Views / 0 LikesDawn's husband was out in the yard and heard a baby deer bleating like a sheep... Get ready to smile!
Funny reasons why owning a cat is not easy! #Video
Added 15.1k Views / 0 LikesFunny ANNOYING & TROUBLEMAKING CATS
Guy Brings His 20 Rescue Dogs To The Groomers #Video
Added 15.1k Views / 0 LikesHow hard could it be to drive 20 rescue dogs to the groomer’s?
Bird family tragedy turns into thrilling Rescue from the cold ice #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 LikesWhen winter hit The Netherlands swift and hard, within one night all canals were completely frozen over. Birds, especially ones that originate from the Nile in Egypt, don't really understand what's happening, so a fatal mistake is easily made... The duckl
'Brave' dogs reaction when realize he's going to the Vet #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 LikesDogs love all humans, but the vet is probably an exception! Watch today's video to see their emotions when going to that place!
Dog Has The Best Reaction When He Reunites With His Rescuer #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 LikesGuy rescues a dog from a ditch — and can't believe the dog's reaction when they reunite a year later
Meet The Dog That's A Yoga Pro #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 LikesSecret, an Australian Shepherd, has talents ranging from Yoga and Irish dancing, to painting and much more!
Dog Waits By The Door Every Morning So He Can Greet His Favorite Mailwoman #Video
Added 15k Views / 0 Likes180-pound dog has been best friends with the mailwoman since he was 7 weeks old — she even visits on her days off