Pets And Animals
Rescued Baby Zebra Can’t Wait To Reunite With Mom and Dad #Video
Added 1,477 Views / 0 LikesPeople on a safari spotted a baby zebra who was stuck in between two trees. They freed the baby and got to watch her reunite with her parents.
Cute Talking Animals Give Thanks | Pets Translated Video
Added 755 Views / 0 LikesCute Talking Animals Give Thanks | Pets Translated Video
Cat Keeps Stealing Things From The Neighbors #Video
Added 326 Views / 0 LikesMónica set up hidden camera to catch her cat stealing things from the neighbors — and found a way to give everything back
The Monkey with Blue Skin and no Nose | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth
Added 1,076 Views / 0 LikesSnub-nose monkeys are pretty strange looking creatures, but their short noses and blue skin help them survive some of the harshest conditions on Earth.
When you have a cat who is obsessed with water - Funny ANIMALS videos #Video
Added 449 Views / 0 LikesWhen you have a cat who is obsessed with water
Puppy Web Cam
Added 1,147 Views / 0 LikesTake a break from your day to watch these adorable adoptable puppies! They are all up for adoption with The Atlanta Humane Society. Learn more about adopting these sweet pups here:
You'll Definitely Want a Maine Coon Cat After Watching This #Video
Added 1,251 Views / 0 LikesYou'll Definitely Want a Maine Coon Cat After Watching This #Video
Watch This K9 Dog Help Her Dad At Work Every Single Day #Video
Added 1,131 Views / 0 LikesK9 Raider loves to play with her dad, but she gets serious when she goes to work. Raider is a trained narcotics detection dog, and she helps her dad Phil Ritchey every day in the city of Alpharetta, Georgia. She even has a workplace romance with another K
Funny And SOO Cute Husky Puppies Compilation #30 - Cutest Husky Puppy #Video
Added 541 Views / 0 LikesFunny And SOO Cute Husky Puppies Compilation #30 - Cutest Husky Puppy #Video
Albert is choosing the Christmas Tree! Emma Massingale Video
Added 881 Views / 0 LikesAlbert is in charge of choosing our Christmas Tree this year, I am not sure he is less fussy than us humans! lol I hope everyone is well and starting to get into the Christmas spirit!
Injured Puppy Living All Alone In Trash Dump Gets Rescued #Video
Added 249 Views / 0 LikesShe cozied up under a blanket next to the fireplace for 2 weeks after she got rescued — and her new smile says it all
Kind Fisherman Finds Baby Deer #Video
Added 985 Views / 0 LikesBaby deer survives falling 50 feet from cliffside and is spotted by a kind fisherman
Why Do Horses Push On People?
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesHorses push or crowd people for several reasons, including as a greeting or asking for a scratch/touch or checking out the status of a relationship. But many horses push on people out of confusion and a lack of clarity as to their role in the relationship
Moments before euthanasia, shelter dog gets brand new life #Video
Added 527 Views / 0 LikesMoments before euthanasia, shelter dog gets brand new life #Video
Two Premie Kittens Save Rescuer Who Suffered A Stroke #Video
Added 609 Views / 0 LikesWoman who fosters hundreds of kittens never expected to have a stroke at 29 — or what happened next with the kittens