Pets And Animals
Donkey wants to know 'What is that strange instrument' #Video
Added 436 Views / 0 LikesOh just for the girls.
Snapshots From History V16 A Photographic Journey Into The Past #Video
Added 589 Views / 0 LikesHello guys and welcome to another episode with Snapshots from History, taking us on a photographic journey into the past. DONKEY RIDE 1958:This is a photo from the Algerian war, and it has been taken in the summer of 1958. It shows a tough French foreign
Duck Scares off Bear From the Yard Video
Added 1,035 Views / 0 LikesThis bear messed with the wrong duck
A Funny and Cute Cockatoo Parrot Compilation - Bird funny Videos
Added 1,298 Views / 0 LikesA Funny and Cute Cockatoo Parrot Compilation - Bird funny
Stray Dog Finally Gets Freed From Drainpipe #Video
Added 692 Views / 0 LikesThe most magical thing happens when this stray dog is finally freed from a drainpipe
Puppy Likes To Get Into Dog Bro’s Mouth #video
Added 1,019 Views / 0 LikesWhen Mylo was adopted, he suffered from fear reactivity. But then his mum brought home a small loveable Gabi. After their meeting, Mylo’s life has changed completely.
Big Sister Helps Deaf Brother In The Sweetest Ways #Video
Added 673 Views / 0 LikesDog wakes up her deaf brother in the sweetest way — and knows exactly how to get him to swim with her!
Dog and Bunny are Super Excited to Meet their Kitty Friend #video
Added 955 Views / 0 LikesUnlikely best friends Bianmu the coolie, Tutu the bunny and now Milky the baby cat.
Hummingbirds Play in Homemade Bird Bath Video
Added 1,221 Views / 0 LikesHummingbirds from all over the neighborhood enjoyed the homemade bird bath that was put out for them. They swam and cleaned themselves with a gorgeous backdrop.
Cat shows up uninvited at wedding. What happened next is magical. #Video
Added 416 Views / 0 LikesCat shows up uninvited at wedding. What happened next is magical.
This Adorable Tiny Puppy Was Abandoned in a Doghouse
Added 1,098 Views / 0 LikesWhen a woman spotted a doghouse on the side of the road, she stopped to make sure no one had been left inside. She ended up finding the tiniest puppy who was so happy to be rescued. She named her Jila.
I Taught My Cat to Play the Piano #Video
Added 11.5k Views / 0 LikesTeaching my cat Michael his first real-life skill... Want a piano to teach your pet? Want to make your own?
Cat Expert Jackson Galaxy Explains WEIRD Cat Behaviors! #Video
Added 603 Views / 0 LikesCat expert explains why cats do the most cat things... wait for the hidden camera clip!
Cat Insists On Jumping Onto Her Dad's Shoulders For Bike Rides #Video
Added 737 Views / 0 LikesCat Jumps Onto Her Dad's Shoulders For Bike Rides / Cat jumps onto her dad's shoulders for a bike ride whenever she sees him get his helmet — and insists on a shoulder ride through the grocery store too
Sweet Golden Retriever & Cat Keeps their Little Human Safe #Video
Added 1,440 Views / 0 LikesThey're so protective of their little human sister