Pets And Animals
Goldendoodle Rests Head On Mom’s Belly Until He Meets His New Best Friend #Video
Added 15.9k Views / 0 LikesThis Goldendoodle stayed glued to Mom throughout pregnancy and now gets car rides from his baby brother!
Hurricane The Dog is a New Star on AGT 2023 #Video
Added 15.9k Views / 0 LikesAs auditions for season 18 of America’s Got Talent continues, fans are witnessing some of the most exceptional talents in the world. Among the incredible contestants, Adrian Stoica and his canine partner Hurricane.
An Unbelievable Humming Bird Story! #Video
Added 15.8k Views / 0 LikesHummingbird builds a nest on feeder, feeds babies and flies off, right this ladies kitchen window, she has to swing the feeder in the house with nest to clean daily. Amazing footage and story.
Two Orphaned Baby Foxes Go Nuts When They Meet For The First Time #Video
Added 15.8k Views / 0 LikesA baby fox has been alone for weeks after being rescued, but when she lays her eyes on another orphaned fox they get so excited. Watch them meet each other for the first time!
Husky Has A Very Specific Way To Get Her Parent’s Attention #Video
Added 15.8k Views / 0 LikesThis husky's parents really think she is talking to them...
One Two and Three Were Easy But Four, Not So Much! #Video
Added 15.8k Views / 0 LikesBrittni and Ryan rescue three starving puppies but it takes weeks to catch their brother — and it's SO worth it when they finally do!
Stray Puppy Knew Exactly Who Could Save His Life Video
Added 15.7k Views / 0 LikesChachi, a stray puppy in Macedonia, followed a couple on vacation home one night and turned them into the best parents!
Wooden REAL SIZE fighting GRIZZLY BEARS, chainsaw woodcarving video
Added 15.7k Views / 0 LikesHe's back! Vlad from the Ukraine is showing off his amazing skills today by carving two fighting Grizzly Bears from a very large piece of wood. It's as if the bears where hiding in there and he just brought them to light. He makes the whole process look s
How to wake up a lazy Boi Video
Added 15.7k Views / 0 LikesDoggo wants to play with big boye. but he only grunts and doesn't want to get up ^^ Maybe a bit of stumping and borking will help ????
Living skeleton transforms into the fluffiest dog #Video
Added 15.7k Views / 0 LikesA skeletal dog was living his worst nightmare - until a guardian angel showed up and made him unrecognizable.
Why Dogs Tilt Their Heads When You Talk to Them (and 6 Other Dog Behaviors Explained) #Video
Added 15.7k Views / 0 LikesIn this video, we will delve into canine science and tell you why dogs tilt their head, why they cry, and why they are so indecisive, persistently asking to go out and come back in again. Why dogs tilt their heads when you talk to themOne of the more ende
Best Pets of the Month - October 2020 Video | The Pet Collective
Added 15.6k Views / 0 LikesWe're wrapping up the month of October in style! Enjoy...
Most Incredible Animal Rescues I've EVER Seen! #Video
Added 15.6k Views / 0 LikesThere are many, many great people out there. Today you will get to meet several of them as they help rescue these animals in distress.
Dogs' Priceless Reactions At The Chiropractor #Video
Added 15.6k Views / 0 LikesDogs go to the chiropractor and their reactions are priceless!
Meet Oakley. She's basically the Tom Cruise of dog world. #Video
Added 15.6k Views / 0 LikesOakley is trained to do water rescues. In Italy there are over 400 dogs that do life gurading every weekend. Here in the US, Oakley is pretty much the only one. Oakley is a Newfoundland, the best water dog in the world.
Top 20 Pets Being Absolute Biggest Jerks of 2020 Video
Added 15.6k Views / 0 LikesWe are counting down the top twenty biggest jerks of the year! Enjoy these pets with attitude from 2020.