Pets And Animals
Pets React To Daylight Savings Time Video
Added 17.4k Views / 0 LikesHas your pet had any of these reactions?
Added 17.3k Views / 0 LikesShakeUp Music recomposed the Magic Flute "Papageno/Papagena" Duet into a colorful Mozart bird aria. Listen to an audiovisual Twitterstorm performed by our feathered fellows.
Understanding Your Cat Video... Is That Even Possible?
Added 17.3k Views / 0 LikesWhat is your cat saying to you? In today's video we see how science can help you understand your cat just a little bit better...
Crooks are everywhere
Added 17.3k Views / 0 LikesThese animals go to the extreme to steal food from their humans and other sources. Enjoy!
Dad Cat Makes Everything Better Video
Added 17.3k Views / 0 LikesThe most adorable and sweet cat dad! ????????????
Luckiest People Alive… #Video
Added 17.2k Views / 0 LikesThese are the luckiest people in the world. From impossible odds to lucky moments. This is what happens when incredible luck is caught on camera.
Pets Celebrate The Seasons Changing Video
Added 17.2k Views / 0 LikesFrom Halloween to Pumpkin Spice Latte's....What are you looking forward to this Autumn?
No one wanted this special needs duck. Then this woman took him home. #Video
Added 17.2k Views / 0 LikesSarah went to Tractor Supply and spotted Sunny over in the corner all by himself.... She could not leave the store without him.
Unbelievable Moments of Animal Genius Caught on Camera #Video
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesIf animals could get grades, this crow would have ACED science. He actually has a solid understanding of water displacement and how adding objects into the water will raise the water level and bring the snack closer to his beak. That was some quick learni
This Hawk Looks Right At His Rescuer As He Frees Him #Video
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesThis guy stumbled across a hawk that was tangled in fishing line on the shore. He quickly worked to free the bird, who kept his eyes on him the entire time.
10 Awesome Bridges For Animals Video
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesWe, humans feel ourselves as the main species on the planet.We correct the terrain as we want and need to, cutting down forests, making residential areas and other structures.Besides, with building noisy and busy highways, large territories of animal habi
The Tiniest Bird You've Ever Seen - Zebra Finch Hatching
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesThis is the smallest bird I've ever hatched. After a little Finch had lost her partner, I was asked if she could stay in my big Aviary. When I returned home after picking her up, on the way back she had laid an egg in the little transport box! Birds only
Clueless Cats | Funny Pet Video Compilation
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesFrom funny cats trying to figure out how a faucet works, cats who think they're trapped in a tape circle, to funny cats trying to fit into small bowls, these are just a few of the clueless cats you'll find in this clueless cats video compilation.
Big Black Bear Relaxes in Hot Tub #Video
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesThis black bear loves the hot tub!
This Rescue Didn't Go Well... Your Daily Dose Of Internet #Video
Added 17.1k Views / 0 LikesFrom a sheep stuck in a trench to a $5,000.00 chicken, these are just few of the clips you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
Baby Animals - Cute Baby Animal Videos - Funny Baby Animals Video - Funny Babies Videos
Added 17k Views / 0 LikesIn today's video you will see baby lemurs, baby parrots, a baby finger monkey, day-old baby chicks, ducklings, baby bunnies, puppies, kittens, baby swans or cygnets, wild turkey chicks and baby fawns with baby cows and baby goats. Baby koala, baby hippo,