Pets And Animals
Pittie Who Spent His Whole Life Living Outside Gets A 'Bark Cuterie' Board #Video
Added 341 Views / 0 LikesWatch him pick out a donut with sprinkles
Kind Men Helps Screaming Animal #Video
Added 299 Views / 0 LikesThank heaven there are angels like these men
Dog Keeps Sneaking Over From The Neighbor's Yard #Video
Added 346 Views / 0 LikesShe kept coming back — until one day, she never left
You Won't Believe How Sweet CATS Can Be #Video
Added 245 Views / 0 LikesYou Won't Believe How Sweet CATS Can Be #Video
Painting Highland Cattle in Oils | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 5,866 Views / 0 LikesWatch the process as I paint a group of Highland Cattle set against the dramatic backdrop of the Scottish Highlands. You can buy my artwork on my website: JOIN MY MISSION ____________________ You can support my wildlife reha
13-year-old cat tastes freedom for first time #Video
Added 368 Views / 0 Likes
Dog-Loving Husband Cries the Entire Way to the Animal Shelter #Video
Added 363 Views / 0 LikesThe moment he meets the shelter pup and she leaps into his lap, flips over, and steals his heart
Boy Begs His Mom To Keep The Dog They Rescued From The Street #Video
Added 309 Views / 0 LikesThe moment he told his mom they needed to have an "adult conversation," she knew he'd won
Raccoon Sneaks Into This Pig's Pool #Video
Added 301 Views / 0 LikesThe moment she brought over her babies too!
Cats just act, nothing more - Funny Cats Videos #Video
Added 246 Views / 0 LikesCats just act, nothing more - Funny Cats Videos #Video
Raising Two Turacos - Giving Life to Eggs That Almost Didn't Make It #Video
Added 6,859 Views / 0 LikesA turaco pair tried raising chicks several times, but unfortunately kept failing. Their owner thought of a plan and contacted me. This was a new species to me, and they turned out to be among the coolest birds I've ever raised. Support:Thanks for visiting
Adorable Baby Hares Wait for Mum | Discover Wildlife | Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 264 Views / 0 LikesI discovered these adorable baby hares quietly waiting for their mother in a secluded spot hidden under long grasses. Brown hares will hide their young away during the day, visiting them only once in under the cover of dark so as not to attract predators.
Senior shelter dog turns out to be total love bug #Video
Added 297 Views / 0 LikesSenior dog's heartbreaking road to shelter
Dog Stuck In A Window Gets Rescued Very Carefully #Video
Added 267 Views / 0 LikesAggressive monkeys were screaming nearby. This guy had to be SO careful trying to save this dog!
Baby Goose With Crooked Neck Finally Stands Up #Video
Added 281 Views / 0 LikesWatch her new mom teach her how to "put her head on straight"
Brave fireman hears cries for help coming from between the walls #Video
Added 273 Views / 0 LikesA fire crew responded to desperate screams coming from behind a wall. After locating the source, they broke through and discovered a trapped mama sheep. She had gotten stuck while chasing her little lamb during playtime. The firefighters carefully pulled