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We Learn It Too Late - 103 Year Old Dr. on Life's Secrets #Video

Life Is Too Short To Drive Boring Cars T Shirt

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At 103 years old, Dr. Gladys McGarey shares the secrets to a longer, healthier, happier life.
For more, see Dr. Gladys' new book: The Well-Lived Life


  • John C. Linderman Added Much to long
  • clong Added God is Love. So. . . . saying love is what matters - is the same as saying God and His love flowing through us to others is what really matters. God and his love will make everything else fall into place.
  • Larry Added A dangerous philosophy wrapped up in a misleading message of love. She makes that clear in the first minute and a half of this video. But it sounds good until you compare it to the truth of God's word.
  • Annie Added It makes one search their own soul and thoughts. Love really is the main aspect of life. Great Video - thank you for sharing.
  • Teres Added Wonderful woman. So many people have had bad things happen to them and they take a negative look at life and people. We need to be kind and show love through our eyes to every person.
  • Kathy Added Dr. McGarey is correct in everything she said. Love should be the center of life. Unfortunately, the center of many people's life are material things that don't give lasting happiness....Love does.
  • Mary Jane Added She is very wise, wish more people would hear her message.
  • janpont Added So profound! I believe everything Dr. McGarey stated. I so wished that more people would believe in the "L" s and live life in the manner stated. What a wonderful world this would be! I enjoyed this video and thank you for sharing it.
  • candice Added interesting and I believe so true.
  • Tom Linton Added words of wisdom! she knows what life should be all about! Thank you Mel for this one.
  • Mari Added I think Dr. McGarey is speaking about a perfect world, which IMO will never be. It's a lesson in futility, because Lucifer is a powerful opponent. Regardless, I do agree with her philosophy.
  • Lynda Added This is our whole purpose for being, extending love that is unconditional. Thank you for sharing this reminder from this beautiful soul!
  • Vicki Added I wish everyone could see this. Thank you, Mel.
  • Patricia Yager Delagrange Added Thank you for sharing this.