Snapshots From History V9 | A Photographic Journey Into The Past #Video
Hello guys and welcome to another episode with Snapshots from History, taking us on a photographic journey into the past. The story of Mary Ann Webster is truly heartbreaking. Born in 1874 in London, she grew up to be a beautiful girl who worked as a nurse. In 1903 age 29, she married Thomas Bevan, becoming Mary Ann Bevan. The couple had four children together. However, her motherhood was overshadowed by an unexpected illness, known as acromegaly, making her appearance change and her beauty fade away. To make things worse, after 11 years of marriage, her husband died. She was left alone without income, and with four children to feed. In response, and in desperation, she chose something incredibly courageous. She joined freakshows as "The Ugliest Woman in the World" and worked there for the rest of her life to secure income for her family. Mary Ann Bevan was a wonderful mother, who endured insults, humiliation and ridicule, just to feed her family.