Photos Of Indigenous People Brought To Life by Per Ivar Somby #Video
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Hello everyone and welcome back to Mystery Scoop. Norwegian artist of Sámi descend, colorizes old photos of indigenous people and results are pretty amazing. Per Ivar Somby is a Norwegian author, artist and IT specialist who loves colorizing old black and white photos of indigenous people, particularly Sámi people living in their traditional Sápmi region; spanning over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. This way, he says, he connects with his ancestors whilst helping in promoting their beautiful and rich cultural heritage that managed to survive for hundreds of years through harsh suppression. Traditionally, the Sámi have pursued a variety of livelihoods, including coastal fishing, fur trapping, and sheep herding. Their best-known means of livelihood is semi-nomadic reindeer herding, which today is legally reserved for Sámi people only, in some Nordic regions. Let's see a few examples of restored pictures from the past, beautifully coming to life with colorization and AI animation.