Pets And Animals
Man Wakes Up Before Sunrise to Help 100 Homeless Cats in Hawaii #Video
Added 634 Views / 0 LikesMan has woken up every day before sunrise for the past three years to help 100 homeless cats in downtown Hawaii, and even saves thousands more through this amazing act
Cute Red Pandas Eating Carrots #Video
Added 480 Views / 0 LikesMeet Wang Zi and Xiong the beautiful red pandas from Jiangbei.
Caught My Husky Arguing With My Mum About Biscuits Video! He Loves To Annoy Her!
Added 1,125 Views / 0 LikesCaught My Husky Arguing With My Mum About Biscuits! He Loves To Annoy Her!, my dog loves to annoy my mum, husky annoying nan, k'eyush arguing, talking husky, speaking dog, keyush the talking dog, husky demanding food, snowdogs, funny dogs, funny animals,
Baby Elephant LekLek Conquers the Mud Mountain! - ElephantNews #Video
Added 312 Views / 0 LikesWatch playful baby elephant LekLek in action! Full of confidence and curiosity, LekLek turns every obstacle into an exciting game, just like a human child. In this adorable moment, she takes on the mud mounds left behind by the floods at Elephant Nature P
Spoon and kneading and Maru
Added 551 Views / 0 LikesMaru holds a spoon in his mouth and kneads the cushion
When you have a best friend named Cat #Video
Added 751 Views / 0 LikesDo you have a best friend who is always there for you? Someone who makes you laugh no matter what? If so, you're lucky! In this video, we'll show you some of the funniest moments between cats and humans. From playing fetch to cuddling up on the couch, the
River Otter Pups Go Exploring
Added 852 Views / 0 LikesHaving completed their stay in the veterinary center, the rescued river otter pups are taking their rascality outside.
World's Biggest Dog... and MUCH More! #Video
Added 15.5k Views / 0 LikesThese are the biggest things in the world! From the world's largest dog, to the biggest pizza and so much more. Try not to be amazed by these abnormally large things.
Service Dog Didn't Know How To Play Until He Met This Tiny Kitten #Video
Added 869 Views / 0 LikesService dog couldn't make any friends until he met this tiny kitten — but then their parents had an even bigger surprise for both of them!
Unbelievable Bird Behaviours #Video
Added 9,627 Views / 0 LikesBirds can be jewel thieves, fish hunters, dancers and more!
Mabel is Cleared for Takeoff! Video.
Added 692 Views / 0 LikesMabel has been cleared for takeoff! And she’s flying in inclement weather.
Funny Wildlife Photography To Melt Your Heart #Video
Added 301 Views / 0 LikesCheck out a selection of funny and adorable wildlife photography from talented photographers around the world.Soundtrack Oh, What A Life It Is written and performed by Steve Nielson.Please SUBSCRIBE for more videos and original songs.
Angry Rams vs Heavy bag - The Rematch
Added 925 Views / 0 LikesThey're getting good at this game.
Pittie Has Two VERY Different Personalities #Video
Added 765 Views / 0 LikesPittie goes from naughty to good as soon as she sees her grandparents —and her parents are not happy about it.
Guy Helps Squirrel Trying To Swim In Lake
Added 754 Views / 0 LikesGuy Helps Squirrel Trying To Swim In Lake | This is so sweet
Naughty Cow Won't Stop Eating Garbage! #Video
Added 507 Views / 0 LikesYou turn your back for one second, and Clementina the cow has her head stuck in the garbage, eating trash! She's the sneakiest cow...or at least she thinks so! But there's one tell-tale sign of the bad behavior she's been up to: the trash can lid around h