Pets And Animals
Hazel the Donkey loving her classic rock songs #Video
Added 681 Views / 0 LikesJust look how chill our little girl Hazel the donkey is while Christopher Ameruoso performs the classic hit Black Water for her. Notice how she put her ears right up to the guitar. Seems she can never get close enough.
Huge Bear Trapped In Dumpster Helped By Cops
Added 10.2k Views / 0 LikesT-Shirt the bear got stuck in a dumpster looking for a snack, but thankfully these officers from the Placer County Sheriff’s Office are there to help! Video Script:: [Music] gravity helped him get in but also gravity kept him from getting back
Firefighters Rescue Kitten At Fire Station #Video
Added 314 Views / 0 LikesFirefighters rescue kitten at their fire station and one of them winds up being his dad
Finally a colt is born! Friesian horse Jonah Rein
Added 1,076 Views / 0 LikesFinally a colt is born! Friesian horse Jonah Rein fan 'e Goëngamieden (sire: Ulbran) dam: Pjirkje fan de Lege Geaën (Beart x Folkert) After 7 fillies we now have 1 colt. born on May 20, 2019. Can you hear him drinking?? Oops! Pjirkje makes him s
Cat Begs Dad To Let Him Come Surfing #Video
Added 1,016 Views / 0 LikesCat begs his dad to let him come surfing... and he's so good at it, he demands to snowboard too!
Tiny Abandoned Peahen Finds her True Colors #Video
Added 490 Views / 0 LikesWoman raises and releases a baby peahen - watch her come back for breakfast everyday
Fluffy Dog And Rescued Fox Are Best Friends #Video
Added 655 Views / 0 LikesUnlikely animal friends!
Galah cockatoo being a goof video
Added 546 Views / 0 LikesThis is Rhubarb, out 1 year old galah cockatoo who can be quite the little mischief maker
36-Pound Cat Finds A Mom Who Just Gets Him | The Dodo Adoption Day
Added 1,011 Views / 0 LikesThis 36-pound cat was brokenhearted when his owner died. But today he's meeting his new mom, and she is the PERFECT match for him. Video Script:: King weighed 36pounds at the shelter. His photo on Facebook spoke to me. I had weight issues of my ow
Cat looks like seal, runs like raccoon, feels like furry baseball #Video
Added 325 Views / 0 LikesCat looks like seal, runs like raccoon, feels like furry baseball #Video
Guy Sees Puppies Dumped On Busy Highway #Video
Added 771 Views / 0 LikesGuy sees footage of puppies getting dumped on a busy highway and rushes to save them all
Watch Heartwarming Moment When Elephant Heard Calling Voice From Her Favourite Person - ElephantNews
Added 617 Views / 0 LikesLek was spending some time with ThongAe and family, and she spotted FaaMai in the distance, who was on her way to investigate the flooded river. Calling out, FaaMai immediately turned toward the one whom she loves more than anyone else. The bond between a
Pit Bull Trapped In A Tower Deep In The Jungle #Video
Added 600 Views / 0 LikesThis pit bull was trapped in a tower deep in the jungle in Puerto Rico, so a rescue team went to find him and bring him all the way back out.
A Selection Of Positive And Touching Animal Moments
Added 18.4k Views / 0 LikesYou will be cheering these animals on as they attempt some almost unattainable feats.
CATch Me If You Can 2
Added 1,131 Views / 0 LikesPrince Michael helps the neighbor babysit her kittens. Turn on Closed Captions for Prince Michael's commentary.