Pets And Animals
Young man saves baby fawn with CPR #Video
Added 741 Views / 0 LikesThis baby fawn was found lifeless in the water, but thankfully a group of kind-hearted souls came to its rescue!
Young Oisin's first time out on a trail Video.
Added 855 Views / 0 LikesWe take Oisin (3 yr old sport horse) on his first adventure away in the Horsebox from the farm. Albert comes along too and we explore some of the trails on foot and experience natural obstacles before settling down for some tea in the woods. Video Scr
Young Pony Has Tons of Fun With Big Ball Video
Added 548 Views / 0 LikesYoung Pony Has Tons of Fun With Big Ball Video
Young Rebel Red Squirrel Survives and Thrives After Injuries
Added 768 Views / 0 LikesThis young red squirrel was having trouble fitting in with squirrel society last year and was thrown off the high deck and savagely beaten. Sort of a rebel that didn't understand how to get along with the elders. We were worried about him last Fall, but h
Young Rescued Elephant 'Muay Lek' And 'Chom Pu' Celebrate Rain - ElephantNews #Video
Added 369 Views / 0 LikesRainy days at Elephant Nature Park sparkle with wonder, and, as everyone knows, elephants love the rain. It is an exciting time, especially for the young who have the freedom to explore and express themselves. These two beautiful new residents at ENP are
Young wolf seeks out camera to chew on it #Video
Added 401 Views / 0 LikesWe learned this winter that there is one wolf in the Cranberry Bay Pack who loves trail cameras…more specifically, loves to chew on trail cameras! You can see this little hellion coming in like a search-and-destroy missile in this video! And destro
Young wolfdog's howl goes hilariously wrong #Video
Added 952 Views / 0 LikesYoung wolfdog's howl goes hilariously wrong #Video
Your cat’s basically a diplomat #Video
Added 319 Views / 0 LikesYour cat’s basically a diplomat #Video
Your friendly local HANDYDOGS! #Shorts #Video
Added 846 Views / 0 LikesYour friendly local HANDYDOGS! #Shorts #Video
Your Moment of Calm - Wolf Making Snow Angels #Video
Added 598 Views / 0 LikesEveryone could use some peace of mind right now and meditation is helping many stay calm and grounded in these times of uncertainty. But have you considered meditating with wolves? There’s something so calming about watching the wolves. Take Ambassa
Your Moment of Calm with Mexican Gray Wolf Video
Added 686 Views / 0 LikesEveryone could use some peace of mind right now and meditation is helping many stay calm and grounded in these times of uncertainty. But have you considered meditating with wolves? There’s something so calming about watching the wolves. Take Mexican
Your Moment of Calm with Nikai the Wolf #Video
Added 658 Views / 0 LikesEveryone could use some peace of mind right now and meditation is helping many stay calm and grounded in these times of uncertainty. But have you considered meditating with wolves? There’s something so calming about watching the wolves. Take Ambassa
You’ll Be Amazed at How Sweet Cats Can Be! #Video
Added 293 Views / 0 LikesYou’ll Be Amazed at How Sweet Cats Can Be!
You’ll Never Believe What This Golden Retriever Used To Look Like #Video
Added 808 Views / 0 LikesThis dog was found chained in a tunnel, and he was so dirty and injured you couldn't even tell what breed he was. Watch him blossom into his beautiful golden fur!
You’ve Got to Be Kitten Me: Farm Cat Blends In With Victoria Calves
Added 701 Views / 0 LikesYou’ve Got to Be Kitten Me: Farm Cat Blends In With Victoria Calves
You’ve Never Seen a Bear Having So Much Fun #Video
Added 605 Views / 0 LikesAt 1:00 a.m., a spunky bear decided it was time for some fun. As he rolled across Lauren’s lawn with a palm leaf, he happened to be in front of her Ring Floodlight Cam. Lauren says she appreciates that her device “takes great videos at night,&