Pets And Animals
OMG Look At This! Cat Helps Owner #Video
Added 591 Views / 0 LikesMr. Mika loves to help his hooman with the Koi pond. He's dragging the Fish nets inside, and believe me the Koi sock is pretty heavy for a cat.
Ben the bear wants to enjoy some live music #Video
Added 751 Views / 0 LikesHazel the donkey has many friends on her ranch so meet Ben the bear. Ben also enjoys some acoustic guitar music. Here is a little clip of Christopher Ameruoso playing a bit for Ben. Enjoy more to come. Please subscribe to our channel here.
Life With A Cat | The Dodo Cat Crazy
Added 741 Views / 0 LikesThis is how life with a cat looks like and usually it’s worth it.
Bouncing baby goats join their herd in the pasture! #Video
Added 257 Views / 0 LikesWe have had 38 goat babies born this spring with three mamas left to kid between now and the 4th of July! The little kids are now good at finding their mom’s in the barn, and sure footed so we set them out to pasture with the rest of the herd for th
Enormous Dogs Love Taking Care Of Their Little Sister
Added 978 Views / 0 LikesEnormous Dogs Love Taking Care Of Their Little Sister | These giant dogs have loved their little sister since the day she was born
Woman Rescues Dog Living On A Mattress In The Woods #Video
Added 832 Views / 0 LikesDog who was living on a mattress in the woods becomes best friends with a little boy who loves to give him baths
Men Jump Into River To Save A Dolphin's Life #Video
Added 938 Views / 0 LikesThese men jumped into river to save dolphin's life
Brave Puppy Is So Determined To Run #Video
Added 1,040 Views / 0 LikesWatch this starfish puppy grow into a big boy and learn to run
Tangled deer wrestles with wildlife rescuer video!
Added 719 Views / 0 LikesWe get called out to rescue deer trapped in a number of odd situations, but entanglement in fencing is, sadly, a common sight.
Rescuers Save Elephant Stuck In Flooded Pit.
Added 6,450 Views / 0 LikesThese people are AWESOME! Rescuers in eastern India's Odisha saved an elephant from drowning after it fell into a flooded pit.
When the Treats Get a Refill - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 451 Views / 0 LikesWhen the Treats Get a Refill - Layla The Boxer #Video
Hardest TRY NOT TO AWW with Cute Parrots - Cutest Parrots In the World 2018
Added 1,170 Views / 0 LikesHardest TRY NOT TO AWW with Cute Parrots - Cutest Parrots In the World 2018
Pittie Rescued From Chain Turns Out To Be Pregnant #Video
Added 749 Views / 0 LikesGuy rescues pittie who was chained up in a backyard... then does the sweetest thing when he finds out she's pregnant
Surfing Dog Became Guy's Partner He's Always Dreamt Of #Video
Added 524 Views / 0 LikesWhenever they’re on a beach dad just has to say surf and off Rosie goes up on the board and surf she goes. She makes other surfers happy by showing off her skills. And most importantly she's become the surfing partner for her dad.
Foster Dog Didn't Understand Toys Until He Met A Cucumber #Video
Added 653 Views / 0 LikesFoster dog had never played with toys — so when he stole a cucumber from the garden and brought it to his bed, he was so proud ...
Louis and Albert go shopping in Store! Emma Massingale Video
Added 698 Views / 0 LikesLouis ropes Albert into taking him shopping at Mole Valley, I'm not sure his intentions are totally honourable! lol Have a great weekend and keep your eyes peeled for all the lovely wild birds! Emx---