Pets And Animals
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Added 542 Views / 0 LikesTechZone ► What is the probability of going out for a walk and suddenly finding something that would make you a millionaire in just a second? We're not talking about a treasure or a suitcase with a million dollars inside, but about s
You'll be Hooked on these KITTENS and CATS! #Video
Added 324 Views / 0 LikesYou'll be Hooked on these KITTENS and CATS! #Video
You'll Definitely Want a Maine Coon Cat After Watching This #Video
Added 1,250 Views / 0 LikesYou'll Definitely Want a Maine Coon Cat After Watching This #Video
You'll Get A Cat After Watching This. Cute Cats Showing Love To Their Owner #Video
Added 706 Views / 0 LikesYou'll Get A Cat After Watching This. Cute Cats Showing Love To Their Owner #Video
You'll Never Guess What Lives in Here!
Added 1,001 Views / 0 LikesOn this episode of On Location, Coyote and Mario are in West Virginia exploring an abandoned barn! What kind of creatures will be lurking inside? Watch now to find out!
You're not supposed to get gremlins wet! - Girl With The Dogs #Video
You've Never Seen A Caterpillar Like This! #Video
Added 328 Views / 0 LikesYou've never seen a caterpillar transformation like this! Nature is amazing — watch for the best life lesson ever at the end!
Young Barn Owl Battles With Tawny Owl & Kestrel Neighbours | Discover Wildlife | Robert E Fuller #Vi
Added 729 Views / 0 LikesBarn owl Storm, who is one of Gylfie & Dryer's chicks from the 2023 breeding season, has just moved to Ash Wood. But she's having trouble with her new neighbours - in her first week she gets chased by a tawny owl, mobbed by jackdaws, threatened by squ
Young Bull Elephant Dok Geaw Play Big Rubber Wheel - ElephantNews #Video
Added 247 Views / 0 LikesWhen an elephant, or any animal, feels safe, its playful nature emerges. Any object can become a source of amusement, even a tractor tire. Despite DokGeau's size, he retains a childlike playfulness, delighting in pushing the tire along in front of him. Th
Young Common Buzzards Learn to Fend for Themselves | Discover Wildlife Robert E Fuller #Video
Added 795 Views / 0 LikesCommon buzzards continue to care for their chicks for weeks after the youngsters have learned to fly. But when it's time for the juveniles to leave home these ferocious parents let them know!
Young Couple Become Parents After Rescuing A Baby Bird #Video
Added 263 Views / 0 LikesThis young couple had an entire date night planned when they heard little chirps in the corner of a sidewalk — watch as they bring the baby bird along with them to the restaurant, taxi and their airbnb
Young Couple Free-Dive With Sharks | BEAST BUDDIES
Added 749 Views / 0 LikesA COUPLE with a passion for wildlife have a hobby that’s not for the faint-hearted… freediving with sharks. Will Nace, 29, and his fiancée Summer Baumgardner, 23, regularly take to the water without protective equipment to dive amongst
Young Elephant
Added 302 Views / 0 LikesMeet LekLek, the adorable baby elephant whose confidence grows by leaps and bounds each day at her sanctuary home, Elephant Nature Park. Since her rescue, LekLek has been blossoming into a self-assured little girl. In this heartwarming video, you'll have
Young Elephant Baitoey Doesn't Want Her Nanny To Leave The River Yet - ElephantNews
Added 393 Views / 0 LikesBaitoey was enjoying the river so much and her nanny wasn't even fully wet, yet Meeboon was preparing to leave the river. That did not sit well with the youngster. It was Tantrum Time, and the old nanny relented at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More: https:
Young Elephant Thong Ae And Her Intruder - ElephantNews #Video
Added 508 Views / 0 LikesThong Ae has a very large roaming territory, but her main turf is at the skywalk. However, the big mud pit is a neutral ground for many elephants. And ThongAe knows that she has to share. When Di Por walked into "Thong Ae's" area, ThongAe got into some ve
Young Fawn Hastily Tagged by Game Keeper | London's Wild Side | BBC Earth
Added 951 Views / 0 LikesNatural World: London’s Wild Side London is the ultimate urban environment - look out of the window, take a walk down the street, these views can be devoid of any natural life, with everything man-made. But looking again, with the right eyes, you ca