Pets And Animals
Pair driving with Queen Uniek and Richtsje, through the nature reserve Video. Friesian Horses.
Added 638 Views / 0 LikesPair driving with Queen Uniek and Richtsje, through the nature reserve Video. Friesian Horses.
Dog With Mystery Illness Goes From Paralyzed With Pain To The Biggest Adventurer #Video
Added 319 Views / 0 LikesThe most beautiful glow up
Added 1,068 Views / 0 LikesDidga, Boomer, Bindi and Jeb go to the beach. They love it! They are all leashed taught.
When Mom Steals the Blanket - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 1,176 Views / 0 LikesShe’ll probably think twice next time
When Teaching Your 85-Pound Dog To Give Hugs Goes Wrong #Video
Added 886 Views / 0 Likes85-pound dog gives his dad the most enthusiastic hugs
Bear rings doorbell at home in Florida #Video
Added 792 Views / 0 LikesA bear was caught on camera ringing a doorbell and knocking over Christmas decorations at a Florida home.
Incredible Yellowstone Bison Battle on the Road #Video
Added 16.9k Views / 0 LikesTwo Yellowstone Bull Bison in an amazing fight.
Think Pawsitive Be Happy Meow Video
Added 641 Views / 0 LikesRight meow the world needs your pawsitive thoughts and vibrations! Purr more. Hiss less!! Cats make the world a better place!! How do you make the world a happier place?
Cat spends 5 years convincing family to adopt him #Video
Added 419 Views / 0 LikesCat spends 5 years convincing family to adopt him #Video
Cutest Corgi Compilation 2018 | Best Funny Corgi Videos Ever
Added 892 Views / 0 LikesFunny Pet Videos presents a brand new weekly compilation featuring the funniest corgi videos, clips, outtake, bloopers and moments caught on tape.
Golden Retrievers Love Being Besties With Everyone! | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 684 Views / 0 LikesAre you looking for a new best friend?! Look no further than Huxley! He makes friends on the train, at hotels and even some restaurants. All it takes are some puppy-dog eyes and a cuddle, and BAM! You're Huxley's newest bestie! And everyone needs a bestie
Dog With Unique Face Becomes Mom's Best Listener #Video
Added 531 Views / 0 LikesBelle is a rescue dog who was stuck in birth canal which resulted in the muscles on her face to grow backwards. She is always happy and loves life. Belle loves to listen when you talk to her, she will sit on your lap and contemplate what you’ve said
Heaven the donkey loves Elton Live music #Video
Added 516 Views / 0 LikesAnother donkey that loves classic rock music. This is heaven enjoying some Elton John.
Hatching Pigeon Eggs that were Not Supposed to Be #Video
Added 11k Views / 0 LikesPigeon eggs? Could I incubate those? Baby pigeons are so fragile. I had to remove a nest. Two pigeon sisters had build it. Against all odds, two of their eggs contained life. I gave them a chance in my incubator. They turned out to be ugly... but so sweet
5 Tails of Heroic Dogs Saving Lives and Sniffing Out Crime Video
Added 681 Views / 0 LikesNo offense to Superman and Wonder Woman, but some of our favorite superheroes are dogs. Real-life dogs who use their noses, their furry bodies and their waggy tails to make the world a better place. We’re celebrating some of these heroic canines in
Exhausted Mama Dog Get A Little Help From Foster Parents #Video
Added 593 Views / 0 LikesShe gets carried to bed by her foster dad because the puppies make her so tired