Pets And Animals
Cats Become Obsessed With Their Mom's New Vitamix Packaging Box #Video
Added 647 Views / 0 LikesThese 3 cats won't stop fighting over a Vitamix box, so their moms make a very special request to Vitamix!
Dog Rescued From Puppy Mill Loves Going To Crossfit With Her Dad #Video
Added 652 Views / 0 LikesRescue dog insists on going to CrossFit every day with her dad and is glued to his side as he moves around the gym
Dog Runs In Front Of Car And This Woman Knows It's Fate. Video.
Added 923 Views / 0 LikesWhen this puppy finally feels safe, he becomes the most adventurous dog ????
Street dog's heartwarming reaction to getting adopted #Video
Added 338 Views / 0 LikesStreet dog's heartwarming reaction to getting adopted
Dog's Hair Transformation Is Surreal - BENJI | The Dodo
Added 867 Views / 0 LikesDog's Hair Transformation Is Surreal | Watch this hairless dog grow so much fur he needs an extreme haircut!
Woman Talks To Stray Cat...And It Works #Video
Added 387 Views / 0 LikesWoman has 5 months of conversations with a stray cat so that he'll trust her
Wait For Me Mom!
Added 633 Views / 0 LikesDon Pedro was our first goat. He is a spoiled yard goat and wanders around all day outside the fenced-in area. He begs for food when we eat outside, sticks his face in the trunk when we unload groceries and greets everyone as they get out of their car. I
Florida Man Rescues Dog From Drowning #Video
Added 701 Views / 0 LikesThis florida man found two dogs at sea on an abandoned boat. He decided to save them, but not everyone was happy with that decision!
Two Young Baby Elephants Curious Of The Dog Who Come To Their Area - ElephantNews #Video
Added 613 Views / 0 LikesWhen making new friends, it takes some courage, especially with friends of a different species. There are distinctions to be drawn. Baby elephant Pyimai and Chaba are so curious of the dogs who come to their area. Constantly inquisitive and trusting, they
Abandoned Brave Raccoon Cub Stays The Night At Fox Den #Video
Added 7,565 Views / 0 LikesWhen this guy set up cameras in his backyard, he couldn't have guessed he'd catch a raccoon mother dropping off her baby at Fox Den daycare for the night. Now, this tiny raccoon has to figure his way out of this ridiculous situation.
Most Adorable Doggo Basket Ever Video
Added 839 Views / 0 LikesToo much cute, can't handle the cuteness! ????
Baby Goose With Crooked Neck Finally Stands Up #Video
Added 294 Views / 0 LikesWatch her new mom teach her how to "put her head on straight"
What's the plan? #Video
Added 621 Views / 0 LikesWe are fundraising to secure the sanctuary...
Stray Dog Who Looked Like A Dinosaur Is So Fluffy Now #Video
Added 456 Views / 0 LikesStray dog who looked like a dinosaur grows the most beautiful brindle coat! We talked to her rescuer about the magical moment she knew this pup was going to be just fine
Hope For Paws - Saving Lois And Clark
Added 1,048 Views / 0 LikesSaving Lois and Clark - two homeless Pit Bulls living in a truck yard - Please share.
Woman Saves Six Dumped Shivering Puppies #Video
Added 623 Views / 0 LikesWoman spots a pile of tiny puppies shivering in the rain and finds them a home!