Pets And Animals
Tricking Mom into 2 Dinners - Layla The Boxer #Video
Added 598 Views / 0 LikesMy baby brain is getting worse by the day and I think the girls are noticing
Family rescues a cat. And things quickly got hairy. #Video
Added 868 Views / 0 LikesFamily rescues a cat. And things quickly got hairy. #Video
Bobcat kittens pestering their mom in northern Minnesota #Video
Added 673 Views / 0 LikesThis is a first for us: a bobcat and her two kittens putting on a little show for the camera with one kitten particularly intent on pestering its mother! We have lots of videos of bobcats but none so far of one with kittens so this was a welcomed surprise
Einstein Parrot can talk better than most humans video
Added 843 Views / 0 LikesEinstein perches inside his screen porch and talks a blue streak! Reciting many of the words he loves to say, he speaks clearly and his pronunciation is better than some of the best English teachers. ???? Einstein Parrot is a very talkative African Grey P
Crusoe & Daphne the Dachshunds Get Sand EVERYWHERE!
Added 890 Views / 0 LikesIn this video, Crusoe and Daphne the mini dachshunds go to the beach in Florida for some fun in the sun and the sand. Of course, these pups LOVE digging! And in doing so, they get a little bit dirty... with sand EVERYWHERE. The new dusbuster AdvancedClean
When God sends you a silly cat #Video
Added 500 Views / 0 LikesGet ready to meow with laughter as we celebrate the goofiest, silliest cats of 2024! This purr-fect compilation is packed with hilarious feline antics that will leave you in stitches. Has your cat ever made you laugh until you cried? Share your funniest c
amazing facts about labrador retrievers
Added 1,233 Views / 0 Likesamazing facts about labrador retrievers
Big goat kids nail the dismount! #Video
Added 609 Views / 0 LikesSo far this season we have had 52 babies born with two more mamas left to kid! The second batch are getting ready to go to their new homes next week, so we are enjoying all their silliness a little extra as we prepare to say goodbye to them. I watch them
Woman can't believe her dwarf cat is real #Video
Added 1,380 Views / 0 LikesWoman can't believe her dwarf cat is real #Video
Neglected Dog Transforms Into The Happiest Girl #video
Added 850 Views / 0 LikesWatch this neglected dog get the biggest surprise from her new dad
When Your Kids Wants a BB Gun Video | Comedian Jeff Allen
Added 1,051 Views / 0 LikesJeff Allen on BB guns for Christmas...
Cutest Little Baby Fox Grows Up And Goes Back To The Wild | The Dodo Wild Hearts
Added 1,215 Views / 0 LikesThis adorable mystery baby fox was found in a backyard all alone, but the right people took her in and even found her a friend for the rest of her life.
Woman finds baby animals on the ground #Video
Added 465 Views / 0 LikesWoman thought she rescued baby squirrels – but soon learned it was something else.
Elephant Yai Bua, Our Living Legend! She never give up with her life
Added 1,166 Views / 0 LikesWe rescued her to Elephant Nature Park 3 years ago. She was so skinny and exhausted when she arrived. It took 4 months before she could walk out with confidence and roam free, surrounded by the herd. She is slow moving but she still enjoys the company of
Can This Dog Find One Hundred Dollars Hidden On A Farm? #Video
Added 12.3k Views / 0 LikesWoman challenges her bloodhound to find a hundred dollar bill hidden on their farm – wait til you see what he buys with it
Baby Goat Grows Up Believing She's a Cat #Video
Added 1,431 Views / 0 LikesTiny goat loves bunnies and cats as a baby, and still acts like a cat as an adult