Pets And Animals
Lovebird Rides His Dog Sister Around The House #Video
Added 585 Views / 0 LikesLovebirds normally need a companion bird — but this one rides everywhere on his dog sister's back!
Left My Husky Alone With Steak And Waffles Video! He Can’t Believe it!
Added 1,152 Views / 0 LikesLeft My Husky Alone With Steak And Waffles! He Can’t Believe it!
Stray Dog Was Living On Stolen Starbucks In The Grand Canyon #Video
Added 262 Views / 0 LikesShe was stealing Starbucks to survive — watch her epic drone rescue and the moment she meets her new cat sibling
Animal Movie & TV Puns
Added 7,894 Views / 0 LikesFrom JurassicBark to 50 Shades of Greyhounds to Breaking Baaaad & Game of Bones...Enjoy these hilarious tv and movie animal puns!!
Itty bitty goat kids! #Video
Added 634 Views / 0 LikesOh my. They don’t even look real they are so tiny and sweet! Today Maizy had 4 of the littlest goats we’ve had in long time! The littlest is less than 2 pounds! 2 boys, 2 girls and all 4 are up on 4 legs and have done lots of nursing! I worry
Duck Follows His Dog Best Friend Everywhere
Added 899 Views / 0 LikesDuck Follows His Dog Best Friend Everywhere | This is what happens when a duckling grows up in a pack of dogs
When Mom watches a movie - Layla the Boxeer #Video
Added 566 Views / 0 LikesWhen Mom watches a movie - Layla the Boxeer #Video ...
A family dumped this bunny. It's the best thing that happened to her. #Video
Added 756 Views / 0 LikesA family dumped this bunny. It's the best thing that happened to her. #Video
AWW SO CUTE! Cutest baby animals Videos Compilation Cute moment of the Animals - Cutest Animals #19
Added 349 Views / 0 LikesAWW SO CUTE! Cutest baby animals Videos Compilation Cute moment of the Animals - Cutest Animals #19
Big & Small Odd Couples Video
Added 632 Views / 0 LikesThese big and small odd couples are best friends
Heroic Firefighter Braves Waterfall To Save Dog #Video
Added 263 Views / 0 LikesA police drone searching for a missing dog stumbled upon an incredible scene – a firefighter standing in the middle of a waterfall, trying to rescue a trapped dog. The police quickly realized it was the very same dog they were looking for, and the d
Backyard Songbird Sampler
Added 601 Views / 0 LikesTwo handsome Painted Buntings, a bright Song Sparrow, a hungry Mockingbird, a stealthy Eastern Phoebe (a type of flycatcher) and finally a Catbird ironically trying to sing while big dogs barking drown out the effort and he gives up. Noise pollution is an
Couple Fosters Exhausted Pittie Mama And Her 8 Puppies #Video
Added 416 Views / 0 LikesWe talked to the foster dad about how hard it is saying goodbye to each dog they foster, and why they keep doing it all over again!
Turkish Girl Gives Up Everything to Save Stray Dogs
Added 883 Views / 0 LikesOn this episode of Faith = Restored, a Turkish girl named Sebahat changed her whole life to save stray dogs and won’t stop until she’s able to build them a shelter.
Man Rescued 70 Cats And Now Has To Rent 3 Apartments To Home Them #Video
Added 616 Views / 0 LikesGuy can't stop rescuing cats, so he rents 3 apartments for all of them
The funniest animals / Fun with cats and dogs 2022 / LA #80 #Video
Added 1,099 Views / 0 LikesThe funniest animals / Fun with cats and dogs 2022 / LA #80 #Video