Pets And Animals
Terrified Stray Dog Finds The Perfect Family Video
Added 932 Views / 0 LikesThis little stray dog was so scared of everything — watch her get rescued and meet her new doggie sister
Rescue Tiny Sole Survivor Stray Kittens Who Was About 1 Week Old But So Feisty
Added 909 Views / 0 LikesRescue Tiny Sole Survivor Stray Kittens Who Was About 1 Week Old But So Feisty
Woman Rescues Paralyzed Kitten At The Perfect Time
Added 341 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues paralyzed kitten at the perfect time — now the kitten gets to play with her 100 pound brother
03:37 Popular
Experience the Elusive Tiger | Racing Extinction (360 Video)
Added 1,149 Views / 0 LikesThey are nature's largest and most mysterious feline predators -- and they need our help. As Discovery embarks on a landmark project to protect endangered tigers, take a step into the world of tigers and experience these legendary creatures up close. Join
Guy Meets His Soul Dog On The Battlefield In Afghanistan #Video
Added 912 Views / 0 LikesGuy meets his soul dog while in the middle of combat in Afghanistan — 13 years later, they are still obsessed with each other
Baby Elephant Wan Mae Can Not Wait To Investigate The New Soil - ElephantNews #Video
Added 457 Views / 0 LikesWhenever truckloads of red dirt are delivered, all elephants wait in anticipation. Everyone likes the dirt so much. After a few days, the pile of soil will be scattered, and the tractor will readjust the soil. Little Wan Mai waits eagerly for the tractor
Dog Chooses His New Mom And Travels Everywhere With Her #Video
Added 1,278 Views / 0 LikesDog runs up to car and chooses his new mom
Bird sings with beatbox harmonica video
Added 610 Views / 0 LikesRocky Cocky is one very cool Cockatoo. My son and I were visiting the Macadamia Castle where we met Rocky. I always carry a harmonica in my pocket which allowed this special moment to be captured. Such a magical experience as I think this was the first ti
Tiny Stray Kitten Was Rescued From Freezing Cold Alone Outside
Added 1,074 Views / 0 LikesTiny Stray Kitten Was Rescued From Freezing Cold Alone Outside
American Woodcock shows off dance moves #Video
Added 259 Views / 0 LikesAmerican Woodcock shows off dance moves #Video
Everybody’s Gotta Eat
Added 9,553 Views / 0 LikesAdorable animals eating teeny tiny snacks.
Unwanted dog is so gentle with new family #Video
Added 1,057 Views / 0 LikesUnwanted dog is so gentle with new family #Video
How Do Dogs Smell? #Video
Added 521 Views / 0 LikesSpecialised filming technique known as Schlieren photography shows how smell not only plays a part in searching for food in the dog world but also in romantic liaisons.
A cat succumbs to sleepiness despite being curious about bird videos. #Video
Added 738 Views / 0 LikesA cat succumbs to sleepiness despite being curious about bird videos. #Video
Woman Becomes Third Wheel In Her Cat And Husband's Relationship. #Video
Added 12.9k Views / 0 LikesLindsey found baby Roswell underneath a shed and decided to take him in to live with her then-boyfriend Drew. Drew and Lindsey soon got married, but they weren't the only two falling in love -- Roswell fell in love with Drew, too! Now, Lindsey is stuck in
Chipmunk Food Dispenser
Added 606 Views / 0 LikesI brought a "squirrel proof" caged finch feeder to the Mountain Backyard which is pretty effective on Gray and Red Squirrels, but alas the tiny Chipmunks have had a population explosion and attacked it almost immediately and drained a cylinder in about an