What happens when you tell an animal that you love them? #Video
Scientists have discovered that animals understand and react positively to be told that they are loved.
Jacobs Ridge is a private animal sanctuary in Murcia, Spain offering a forever home to 140+ animals. This includes: horses, pigs, donkeys, goats, sheep, cats and dogs, many of which have been neglected, abused or abandoned.
We offer all-inclusive volunteer experience breaks, making us not just a sanctuary for animals, but a sanctuary for people too.
Our mission is to be completely self-sustainable and not rely on hand-outs or donations. However, the pandemic had a massive impact on our funding model and so we have had to turn to other fundraising methods.
To support the animals of the sanctuary, please consider becoming a monthly patron at
or to give a one off donation, please use

Two out of the three faces have the ones that only their mother could love!
The human face is way ahead of the two with "trumpet lips! Be still my heart!