Pets And Animals
10 Signs Your Dog REALLY Trusts You #Video
Added 10.6k Views / 0 LikesWe often talk about our dogs giving us unconditional love, but building a bond and real trust with your pup takes some time. Earning a dog’s complete trust isn’t as simple as giving out a few treats and belly rubs, especially if your pooch has
10 Sneaky Camouflage Animals You'd Never See Video
Added 1,082 Views / 0 Likes10 Sneaky Camouflage Animals You'd Never See Subscribe To Our Channel : 4 Ever Green is the #1 place for all your heart warming ...
10 Strangest Animal Behaviors Caught on Camera
Added 924 Views / 0 LikesEvery time we start making another video about strange natural phenomena, we think that there’s hardly anything that can surprise us. You probably think the same way. Well, believe us, nature is so amazing and unpredictable it will never cease to am
10 Surprising Facts About Tuxedo Cats #Video
Added 590 Views / 0 LikesTuxedo cats, also called “tuxies,” are known for their unique coat pattern which resembles a classic tuxedo outfit. However, their unique coats are just one of many interesting features of this cat, which you’ll soon learn.
10 Things Cats Love - Cole and Marmalade #Video
Added 14.6k Views / 0 LikesWe all know most cats love boxes and catnip, but what do they really love the most?
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10 Things Your DOG LOVES MORE Than Getting PETS! #Video
Added 4,533 Views / 0 LikesDiscover 10 things that dogs love and that can make them even happier than being petted! In this video about dog behavior, you will better understand what truly makes your dogs happy beyond just affection. Learn practical tips on playtime, exercise, walks
10-Ounce Puppy Terrifies 75-Pound Boxer #Video
Added 1,075 Views / 0 LikesLemon may be just 10-ounces, but she rules her foster home! Watch as she terrifies her 75-pound foster sibling
10-year-old can't believe her eyes when she sees what her parents brought home #Video
Added 364 Views / 0 LikesThis is what pure happiness looks like
10-Year-Old Stray Mama Dog Turns Into A Puppy Months After She's Rescued #Video
Added 794 Views / 0 LikesWorld's best mama dog turns into a puppy herself — watch her jump for joy in her snowsuit when she finally gets a dream family
100-Pound Beagle Who Could Barely Move Now Runs 5Ks #Video
Added 652 Views / 0 Likes100-pound beagle who had been fed ice cream his whole life was so huge, he couldn’t move — months later, he’s running 5Ks with his dad
100-Pound Deaf Puppy Meets Her Senior Dog Sister And... #Video
Added 734 Views / 0 Likes100-Pound Deaf Puppy Meets Her Senior Dog Sister And... #Video
100-Pound Dog Is The Perfect Nanny To Tiny Beagle Puppies #Video
Added 688 Views / 0 Likes100-pound dog steps in as a nanny for stressed-out mama beagle — then they become the best of friends
100-pound Great Dane Nurses A Tiny 3-Ounce Chihuahua Puppy #Video
Added 686 Views / 0 Likes100-pound Great Dane nurses a tiny 3-ounce Chihuahua puppy and carries her so gently to bed
100-Pound Great Dane Takes Care Of The Tiniest Puppie #Video
Added 1,156 Views / 0 LikesWatch a teeny, special needs puppy grow up to be a 100-pound dog who's a mama to all the foster puppie
100-year-old woman adopts a senior dog. Now they are inseparable. #Video
Added 8,824 Views / 0 LikesThis 100-year-old woman just adopted a senior dog. Now Johanna and Gucci are inseparable
10 Annoying Things Dogs Hate but We Keep Doing Them
Added 10.2k Views / 0 LikesA dog isn’t only a cute, big toy for you or your kids to play with — it’s a huge responsibility for the entire family to take on. Scientists have proven that our pets don’t always like when we do certain things to them. For example