10 Most Spectacular Hummingbirds in the World
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[Music] the world is created by God Almighty with an amazing and diverse group of animal species each of them plays a vital role in the ecosystem and makes this world a beautiful place but many people also consider birds to be the prettiest among all the creatures and the hummingbird is the most diverse cutest and smallest bird group it is a colorful and strong bird with the fastest back and forth movement hummingbirds are known worldwide for their small size incredible speed and beauty in today's video we are going to discuss the top 10 most spectacular hummingbirds in the world so let's get rolling number 10 the Rufous hummingbird the Rufous hummingbird is also called the read-back hummingbird these birds are mostly found in parks open areas and along forest edges they have a sharp memory and can easily find their favorite feeding flowers these eye-catching birds are among the hummingbirds to show up at garden feeders in the United States the females are green and orange while males are bright orange it is one of the longest migratory birds in the world it is difficult for anyone to catch the Rufous hummingbird due to its speed because of its amazing looks it is considered to be a stunning hummingbird number nine the Ecuadorian pill star the ecuadorian hill star is a hummingbird species and a truly spectacular bird it is mainly found on grassland between thirty-five hundred and fifty two hundred meters and high-altitude mountains its weight is approximately eight grams and length is approximately twelve centimeters they are beautifully colored females are all bronzy green while males have an amazing purple hood the main food of these birds is the nectar of the orange flowers of the Chikara Gua shrub these hummingbirds form insulated nests in order to protect themselves and their young ones from extreme environmental weather conditions the ecuadorian hill star is a gorgeous bird number eight green crowned brilliant hummingbird the green crown brilliant hummingbird is also known as flying dolphin green fronted brilliant and blue throated it is a large hummingbird and belongs to the family turkey lagaye the male birds are bronze green while the female birds are green spotted juveniles are generally duller in appearance but resemble their parents and are protected and fed by the females building a nest is the primary responsibility of females these birds have a loud sound and feed primarily on nectar taken from a variety of scented and brightly colored small flowers from trees herbs and shrubs they are one of the glories birds of the world and have beautiful small bodies number seven The Velvet purple coronet The Velvet purple coronet is an eye-catching species of hummingbird this bird is one of the beautiful hummingbird species found in Ecuador its habitats are heavily degraded former forests and tropical or subtropical moist mountains this bird is greenish blue on the back bluish purple below and on the crown Rufus on the under green coverts and green on the upper wing coverts but may appear black in poor lighting The Young Ones of this species of hummingbird are born in mobile life and without any down they feed on the nectar of flowers of trees herbs and shrubs The Velvet purple coronet is solitary in all aspects of life number six the wine throated hummingbird the wine throated hummingbird is one of the smallest birds with the length of seven centimetres these birds are gorgeous and are described as subordinate to larger species of hummingbird both sexes have a Rufus tail with a dark sub terminal band and white tail tips this bee size hummingbird inhabits humid and semi humid forests shrubby areas and pine oak woodlands they primarily feed on the nectar of flowers these birds are solitary in nature wine throated hummingbirds can sing for about 30 to 40 seconds without a pause the elevational range of this bird is about 1,500 to 3,500 meters number five the booted racket-tail hummingbird the booted racket-tail hummingbird is a small group of hummingbirds and belongs to the genus okra Attis it is an andean hummingbird found from bolivia to Colombia to Venezuela this is an amazing hummingbird males have a metallic green body short blackish bill elaborate tail and black wings while female hummingbirds have a white body with white tip tail and green speckles both sexes of this stunning bird show puffy white leg feathers the small hummingbird likes humid woodland edges in mid elevations in the Andes these hummingbirds feed on the nectar of various flora and also catch insects number 4 the violet crowned wood nymph hummingbird the violent crowned wood nymph is a medium-sized hummingbird and is also known as blue crowned wood nymph purple crown wood nymph and sea tato wood nymph these eye-catching hummingbirds are beautifully colored males have violet upper back crown abdomen and shoulders green lower back shiny green breast and blue black tail female hummingbirds have a grey throat and breast blue black lower half and green tail it is found in the lowland rainforests of Colombia and Central America these birds feed on small flying insects and nectar from flowers it is mostly found on wet lowlands and foothills up to 8200 feet but in the breeding season it may move up to higher altitudes number three the chestnut breasted coronet hummingbird the chestnut breasted coronet is a heavy bodied hummingbird these birds have glittering green throats green upper parts with reddish-brown lower breast tail and belly they are mostly found in the Andes from the extreme southeastern Colombia South to southern Peru these hummingbirds favored humid mountain forests Gardens near the forest forest edges and green fields chestnut breasted Coronets feed on small arthropods but it is primarily a nectar eater in favors flowers with the highest sugar content these medium-sized hummingbirds are usually solitary the nest of this hummingbird is a small Cup this hummingbird is distinguished by its Rufus underparts and tail number two Costas hummingbird Costas are small and compact hummingbirds and have a curved posture these hummingbirds have striking colors an adult male has a green back infest an iridescent purple gorgeou and crown females and immatures have whitish underparts greenish above with a white eyebrows stripe they feed on small flying insects and nectar of many desert plants Costas hummingbirds are found in a desert shrub in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts chaparral and sage scrub areas in coastal California they also prefer Gardens parks and higher elevation mountains during the nine breeding season they migrate in case of intolerable temperature and when resources are scarce before we reveal number one on our list be sure to check our previous video on the most beautiful hummingbirds this is the second part of that video in case you haven't watched it yet you can check it out on our channel with other amazing videos on beautiful birds number one the bee hummingbird at the top of the list is the bee hummingbird the smallest birds in the world they are so small in size as sometimes they are mistaken for insects these hummingbirds can fly backwards and upside down and have the ability to flap their wings at a rate of 80 beats per second the heartbeat of these birds is the fastest reaching 1260 beats per minute the bee hummingbird is white or gray with a blueish green upper plumage however the tips of the feather of males are black and are white and females these hummingbirds are found along woodland edges and dense forests in Cuba they feed on small insects and nectar of flowers and are generally omnivorous it is believed that their average lifespan is about seven years [Music]