10 Most Powerful Horses in the World
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we all know that horses are strong animals not for nothing we have used them for both transport and labor for over thousands of years why else would we use horse power as a unit of measure for our modern-day cars one of the most popular brands like Ferrari even went on to make one this wonderful creature their brand logo however even amongst their own kind there are a few select horse breeds which truly stand out for their sheer power welcome to another episode of forever green and if you're wondering who the most powerful horse in the world is then stick around for number one because the muscles on this breed are insane and today we're bringing you 10 strongest horses in the world let's get started number 10 Mustang the Mustang breed is native to the western part of the United States of America and is known for its wild and hard to control nature however those who managed to tame these majestic beasts hold a serious amount of power at their reins originating in Iberia today known as Spain these horses became extremely popular in the US for their incredible strength and agility Mustangs have a muscular build and will usually weigh around 700 to 800 pounds in the Wild West Cowboys would catch tame and sell Mustangs and to this day they remain an icon of strength and power it's no wonder Ford named one of the most beloved supercars after this breed if you were expecting to see Mustangs at the top of our list just wait until you see the muscles on horse number one number nine Suffolk the Suffolk horse also commonly referred to as the Suffolk Punch is one of the heaviest drought horses in the world these kinds of horses are capable of pulling extremely heavy loads over long periods of time which is why they were used for both farm work and carriage transport Suffolk's have a short neck compact muscular bodies in are gentle in nature if you thought Mustangs were heavy at 800 pounds then the Suffolk at 2,200 pounds is a real shocker just imagine the amount of force one of these gentle giants can produce number eight Arabian weighing in at up to 1,000 pounds we have the powerful Arabian horse originating from the Arabian Peninsula the Arabian horse has a pretty striking look and is one of the most easily recognizable horse breeds in the world even though it's sleek long legs don't exactly scream power these horses are actually extremely strong and especially well known for their stamina in fact the Arabian is so well known for its power that it's been used to improve other breeds by adding longer endurance faster speed more refinement and stronger bones today almost every modern breed of riding horse has at least a hint of Arabian bloodlines number seven American cream draft horse draft horses also known as draught horses in the UK our large horse bred to be a working animal doing hard tasks such as ploughing and other farm labor there are a number of breeds with varying characteristics but all share common traits of strength patience and a docile temperament which made them indispensable to generations of pre-industrial farmers and while most draft breeds in the US were imported the only draught horse which was born and bred in the US is still in existence today you can easily recognize it by its cream-colored coat and at 1,800 pounds of compact muscle these guys pack a serious punch number six Percheron up a weight class we have the Percheron which can weigh up to a whopping 2,600 pounds originating from the Huson River Valley of France this is one of the most powerful draft horse breeds in the world today usually gray or black in color Percherons are well muscled and known for their intelligence and willingness to work aside from labor and transport the Percheron was once used as a warhorse as wealth before it eventually gained a reputation as a sport horse and for good reason just look at those shiny black muscular legs number 5 shire horse yet another massively built horse in the shire horse some of these guys have held World Records for being the largest and tallest horses at one point or another with their shiny dark coats and prominently white feathered hooves these horses are just as beautiful as they are strong this draft horse can grow up to 2,500 pounds in weight it was commonly used as a farm horse to pull immense loads the reason for their power might be that shire horses descended from the English great horse which was known to carry men in full battle armor that often weighed as much as 400 pounds [Music] number four Dutch draught the Dutch draught commonly known as the Netherlands truck part is a Dutch a dutiful draught horse and while at sixteen hundred pounds is not quite as heavy as the other drafts on today's list this little pony packs a serious punch just look at its compact muscular body these strong horses are common temperament and have good stamina which is why that were typically used as farm horses the Dutch draught was originally developed from an extremely powerful Belgian breed which we'll look at in just a moment number three American Quarter Horse the American Quarter horses are known as the sprinters of the horse world at only 1,200 pounds this is the lightest horse on today's list but its powers nothing to be joked around with the quarter horse was named after its ability to outrun any other horse breed in races of a quarter mile or less some have been clocked at speeds up to 55 miles per hour one of the most successful racehorses of all time was in fact a quarter horse named easyJet if you are looking for an animal that's quick out of the gate this breed is the true definition of horse power [Music] number two Clydesdale Clydesdale horses are one of the tallest horse breeds in the world enormous in size these draft horses can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and are very gentle in nature these horses bear a striking resemblance to the shire horse but are generally slightly smaller which in turn gives them greater agility Clydesdales however come in a wider variety of colors than the Shires and have a lot more of that beautiful feathering on their lower legs as well [Music] the largest number of Clydesdales are found in the US and aside from being exceptional workhorses they're also very well known for appearing in a ton of commercials by Budweiser before we reveal number one be sure to check out other amazing videos on our Channel and give us a like if you enjoyed this video so far tell us in comments which one of these you liked the most and why number one Belgian draft at the top of our list is the powerful Belgian draft horse it's believed that the Belgian horse breed is a descendant of the famous medieval horses so it's no wonder their brute strength is constantly winning them pulling contests around the globe according to the Guinness World Book of Records the tallest horse alive today is a 14 year old Belgian draft horse which stands just over six feet and 10 inches high so it stands in reason that the tallest horse breed would also be the most powerful the strongest horse in the world is a draft horse named Petra take a look at those muscles and while these guys are known for their stamina strength they're also one of the most gentle giants in nature [Music] making the Belgian draft one of the most beloved breeds on the planet and that's it for the strongest horses in the world which of these powerful creatures did you find the most impressive let us know in the comments below oh and if you found this video interesting you're going to love our video on the screen don't forget to Like and subscribe to forever green for more incredible animal videos see you in the next one