Pets And Animals
Amazing Hand Paintings That Are Real Works Of Art #Video
Added 401 Views / 0 LikesCheck out an Incredible style of painting that transforms hands into animals, architecture and anything imaginable to produce amazing works of art. Soundtrack Trick Of The Light written and performed by Steve Nielson.
Amazing howl from a wild wolf in northern Minnesota #Video
Added 1,949 Views / 0 LikesTalk about the right place at the right time! Turn the volume up to hear a wolf howl that is as wild as they come. Wolf V094, the breeding male of the Half-Moon Pack, stopped right in front of the camera this summer, howled a few times, and then decided t
Amazing Pet Facts: DOGS VIDEO
Added 866 Views / 0 LikesDid you know these amazing pet facts about dogs?
Amazing Squirrel Have a great day 'Animals Love Music' #Video
Added 488 Views / 0 LikesAmazing Squirrel Have a great day 'Animals Love Music' #Video
Amazing Street Art For Cat Lovers #Video
Added 7,997 Views / 0 LikesCheck out another selection of amazing street art with the emphasis on our feline friends for all you cat lovers out there.Soundtrack Suraya written and performed by Steve Nielson.
Amazing Talking And Singing Raven! #Video
Added 639 Views / 0 LikesMeet Ravenelf, friend and companion of Janette Ingrain Hustwitt Skelton, Her Majesty’s Keeper of Castle Ravens, Knaresborough. Ravens are songbirds, and have the ability to mimic a variety of sounds, including speech.
Amazing Video of Two Cats Watching Tom & Jerry ( no sound ) #Video
Added 1,437 Views / 0 LikesAn amazing video of two cats watching classic cartoon Tom & Jerry has surfaced on America's popular discussion community and the frontpage of the internet; Reddit. The video featured two cats watching forlornly for the outcome of the classic cartoon t
Amazing Wolf Howls Lying Down #Video
Added 613 Views / 0 LikesShe's done it again! Alawa, the laziest wolf we've ever known, once again has us asking why one should get up when you can howl lying down? Alawa is a captive-born gray wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, in South
AMBUSH (At home special) - Simon's Cat
Added 1,246 Views / 0 LikesA naughty cat has had enough of his owner being home all the time. Hope you enjoy our latest Simon’s Cat film, Ambush!
Amelia’s triplets find their hops! #Video
Added 350 Views / 0 LikesAmelia had three matching kids: Neddick, Narra and Nore about a week ago and today they really came onto their own! While their favorite thing to do is snuggle up with their mom in their stall, they also like to get out and have some fun! Suddenly they ar
American Bully With Locked Legs Proved Breeder They Were Wrong #Video
Added 447 Views / 0 LikesJack is a rescue puppy that was born with a medical condition that affects his spine. His adopted parents travelled across the country to bring him home. Since joining his new family, Jack has continued to thrive and show the world that you can get throug
American Crows Calling
Added 732 Views / 0 LikesA small family of American Crows that hangs Backyard north having an extended conversation - although similar there are significant differences in each individual call.
American Crows Calling
Added 700 Views / 0 LikesThis Crow seemed to be trying to tell or ask me something - like give me some breakfast......
American Flamingo at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Added 754 Views / 0 LikesOn an unseasonably warm and foggy Florida morning I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to video a rare visitor to St. Marks NWR – an American Flamingo. Although the bird has a feeding style similar to other waders I’ve seen, it is uniq
AMERICAN GOLDFINCH | The Late Breeder Video
Added 554 Views / 0 LikesThe American Goldfinch. The state bird of New Jersey, Iowa, and Washington. A familiar and welcome backyard bird at feeders. In this video learn more about what they like to eat and how to attract them to your backyard bird feeders.
American Robin Parents Feeding Fledglings
Added 691 Views / 0 LikesRobin parents feeding two (I think) of their fledglings. The baby robins jump or "flutter fall" from the next and spend their next weeks on the ground hiding in the brush and walking the yard following behind their parents. The robin families are not at a