Pets And Animals
CATS Actually Love Their Humans, Here are the Proofs #Video
Added 778 Views / 0 LikesCATS Actually Love Their Humans, Here are the Proofs Cats are cold?! In today's video, we will prove that it's just a myth with cute moments of cats showing love to their humans. Let's go!
Grandma becomes best friend with raccoon #Video
Added 763 Views / 0 LikesThese raccoons are obsessed with their grandma.
Bananaquits in Colombia Video
Added 657 Views / 0 LikesBananaquit (Coereba flaveola) in Colombia. This is a species of passerine bird of uncertain relation. This small, active nectarivore is found in warmer parts of the Americas, and is generally com
Dog helps disabled friend walk for first time #Video
Added 321 Views / 0 LikesDog helps disabled friend walk for first time #Video
03:14 Popular
Today I Learned: Rhinoceroses
Added 747 Views / 0 LikesTime to fill your brain with interesting rhino facts! The Pet Collective is home to the top trending clips, most entertaining memes, and funniest animal videos online. Simply put, we think animals are the best ever. If you agree, let’s make it YouTube off
Boyfriend Surprises Girl With A Rambunctious Foster Puppy #Video
Added 456 Views / 0 LikesWatch this woman who swore she didn't want a puppy fall in love with her surprise foster
Dog Tells Puppy To Shh
Added 1,121 Views / 0 LikesPuppy barks for the first time and a dog tells him to shush.
Funniest Animal Videos 2023 That Will Absolutely Brighten Up Your Day #Video
Added 16.4k Views / 0 LikesOur comedians today are ready to bring endless laughter to you.
Cinnamon-chested Bee-eaters in Kenya #Video
Added 466 Views / 0 LikesCinnamon-chested Bee-eaters (Merops oreobates) are found in the highland forests of East Africa. Recorded in the Aberdare National Park, Kenya. Sound recording of the bee-eaters by Peter Boesman on Xeno Canto (XC510252), used with permission. Guide: Chege
Finding Wildlife in Mexico: Sooty terns, Howler Monkeys and Pelicans! #Video
Added 551 Views / 0 LikesThank you to my Patrons for making this possible
Siamese Cat Has His Own Special Way Of Doing Yoga video
Added 658 Views / 0 LikesSiamese cat Zuko loves to stretch himself every day. It's his own cat yoga pose. It keeps him more zen than his crazy siblings
Tiniest Bush Baby Found In the Road #Video
Added 317 Views / 0 LikesHe has a family of his own now
Meet rescued sea otter pup Uni
Added 773 Views / 0 LikesThe Oregon Zoo’s sea otter family got a little fluffier this week as Uni, an orphaned pup, arrived in the Steller Cove marine life habitat. The 24-pound 5-month old is settling in quickly, and is currently being cared for in a behind-the-scenes nurs
Cute Baby Animals 4K : Lovely Wild Cute Animals With Relaxing Music (Colorfully Dynamic) #Video
Added 326 Views / 0 LikesI want to bring you the best footage of the animal world that I have recorded in my journeys to explore the natural world on Earth.
Baby Cow Who Didn't Have Any Friends Now Cuddles With His Chicken Best Friend #Video
Added 707 Views / 0 LikesBaby cow who grew up all alone was so sad — until Barbara the chicken snuggled up under his head
Animal Planet 4K - Scenic Wildlife Film With Inspiring Music #Video
Added 1,267 Views / 0 LikesOur planet is full of amazing animals! Enjoy this 4K Scenic Wildlife film featuring the vast animal species that inhabit our world. From Lions in the African Savannah, to Bengal Tigers in India, our world has so many beautiful creatures! There's lot of ne