Pets And Animals
Killer Kitty vs Robot Dinosaur Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesWatch this epic battle..that ends in friendship.
The Art of Survival: Origami Motherhood for Cedro the Waxwing! #Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesWitness the unique tale of a Cedar Waxwing nestling raised by an origami mama. See how creativity and compassion blend to nurture and teach this little bird the essentials of life in the wild.
Our Domestic World: The Stairs & The Porch
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesWatch your step! Our Domestic World goes up and down stairs...and hangs out on the porch.
When your dog is smarter than you think - Funny Dog Videos
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesHere a some really smart dog videos to help kick start your day. Enjoy!
Thousand Of Cats And Their Own Kingdom #Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesThousand of cats were rescued from the abuse in different kinds of places throughout Thailand. This kingdom is created for rehabilitating and becoming a lasting home for them at Elephant Nature Park. Learn More:
Poor Golden Retriever Attacked by Kittens #Video
Added 10.4k Views / 0 LikesWatch as Bailey the Golden Retriever barely survies an attack by two baby kittens. Bailey, he so tough!
When They Found an Alligator in the Pool, They Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesGetting in close contact with wild animals can be thrilling and exciting. That is why some people visit zoos and others go on safari... But sometimes wild animals like to visit people too. Anyway, why not? If we can, they can too! In today's video we have
Cockatoo Makes Girl's Life.. Until She Takes Him on Adventures #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesBogia is a Galah bird. When @Flock Life Bogie arrived home, he was cuddly and gentle, but as he grew into an adult parrot, Bogie became a little troll and would bite things and cause inconvenience. Emily had put a lot of work into their relationship and n
30-Year-Old Bird Is Determined For Dad To Love Her #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesThis guy has never liked pets — watch what makes him fall for a 30-year-old bird...
The Funniest Horse Moments You Won't Believe! #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesThis video is a compilation of funny and charming horse moments, capturing their playful and sometimes mischievous behaviors. Each clip highlights the unique personalities of these majestic animals, showcasing their interactions with humans and their envi
Couple Finds Tiny Sparrow After A Storm #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesCouple finds a tiny, naked sparrow after a storm — now she's the biggest toilet paper thief!
Puppy Ages In Reverse #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesThis puppy could only crawl on her elbows, but she completely transforms when she is rescued, it's like she ages in reverse! Now she lives the happiest life with her loving little family.
How Button Boards Are Changing Human-Canine Communication #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesA viral, online phenomenon claims to have further opened the door to human-canine communication. Buttons allow dogs to seemingly talk with their humans, but are all these button enthusiasts barking up the wrong tree? William Brangham and his pup Macy dogg
Hilarious Dog Moments People Couldn't Keep to Themselves #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesGet ready for a hilarious compilation of our favorite four-legged derps! This video showcases dogs doing what they do best: being completely ridiculous. From goofy facial expressions to the most unexpected, clumsy moves, these pups have mastered the art o
Here's Top 10 Animal Encounters You Must See!
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesGoPro takes a look at their Top 10 animal encounters and they are all awesome. If the baby Gorilla doesn't make you smile I don't know what will!
Baby Bears Who Got Stuck Needed A Little Help Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesThese brave baby bears!