Pets And Animals
Abandoned dog living in pile of tires #Video
Added 13.7k Views / 0 LikesThis abandoned dog, living in a pile of tires like garbage, will finally get the life she deserves. Thank you Megan for telling us Dutchie’s story. Lola's Lucky Day is working tirelessly towards rescuing and finding forever homes for homeless dogs i
Abandoned Dog Sleeps On Snow For Days Until a Tourist Spots Her
Added 2,515 Views / 0 LikesThis dog was found abandoned in front of a hotel, in a mountain pass in Northern Romania. With temperatures dropping to minus 20°C (-4°F), Indy slept outside. And when there was a bit of sun, she would curl up on the snow and just sleep there. The
Abandoned Dog Wanders Beach Looking For His Owner #Video
Added 1,755 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned dog wanders the beach every day looking for his owner — until this woman sees him
Abandoned Dog With The Best Smile Learns The World Is A Safe Place #Video
Added 659 Views / 0 LikesHeaven has a story to melt your heart. She was found as a stray and was looking for a new home. That's when Jackie stumbled upon that floofy nose on Facebook and fell in love. They slowly started going outside, giving Heaven confidence that the world was
Abandoned Ducks Stalks New Family Until They Take Him Home #Video
Added 703 Views / 0 LikesA duck was abandoned by a lake and refused to leave this family alone until they adopted him. Now he wears a dog harness to go hiking with the pack!
Abandoned egg reveals the sweetest surprise #Video
Added 341 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned egg reveals the sweetest surprise #Video
Abandoned Frenchie found with with treble hook in his mouth #Video
Added 594 Views / 0 LikesCaptain Hook is such a brave little dog who had overcome so much
Abandoned Hairless Puppy Transforms Into The Most Gorgeous Pittie
Added 742 Views / 0 LikesHairless, abandoned puppy was so sad she would never leave her she's the most beautiful pit bull who loves to play tug of war with her mom
Abandoned Kitten Crying At The Trash Cans #Video
Added 758 Views / 0 LikesWe are Stoyan and Dessy from Bulgaria. We are not organization, neither a shelter, we are just an ordinary couple with a big dream. We have 4 cats at home, all rescued from the streets - Sopolcho & Bagheera live with us while Alexa & Rijo live wit
Abandoned Kitten Doesn't Stop Crying After Rescue and Receives Love #Video
Added 579 Views / 0 LikesKelli Gross is a cat lover from San Bernardino, CA who has the enviable job of fostering kittens until they’re ready to be re-homed. As soon as she heard about little Ariel the kitten, she instantly knew that she had to help. The three-week-old kitt
Abandoned Lamb Runs To Human Mom #Video
Added 995 Views / 0 LikesThis abandoned lamb was so determined to live. With the help of her human mom, she learned to walk, and be with other sheep. Now she runs to her mom when she sees her and is equally determined to get pets, head butting or scratching her.
Abandoned Naked Dog Is So Fluffy Now #Video
Added 624 Views / 0 LikesWhen this naked dog was found in an empty villa in Bali, these two women rescued her and took care of her until she was ready to fly to her new home in Washington, D.C. She's SO fluffy and happy now — watch when she sprints around her new home
Abandoned Pittie Goes Glamping With Her New Family #Video
Added 540 Views / 0 LikesSweetest pittie found chained to a fence gets to pick out her own puff coat to wear on vacation
Abandoned Pittie Has The Best Reaction To Getting Adopted #Video
Added 651 Views / 0 LikesPittie abandoned outside shelter flops onto his back to meet his new dad — now they go running in the ocean together!
Abandoned Pittie Puppy Watches Her Family Grow #Video
Added 597 Views / 0 LikesSurrendered pittie puppy goes from being unwanted to a cherished family member - watch the moment she meets her little brother
Abandoned Pregnant Dog Gives Birth Under Family's Home #Video
Added 360 Views / 0 LikesThe video captures a family's rescue mission to save a litter of puppies born under their house. The narrator and her daughter, Celeste, work together to ensure the safety and well-being of the puppies and their mother. Rescue Effort Initial Discovery: Th