Pets And Animals
Abandoned Pittie Puppy Watches Her Family Grow #Video
Added 599 Views / 0 LikesSurrendered pittie puppy goes from being unwanted to a cherished family member - watch the moment she meets her little brother
Abandoned Pregnant Dog Gives Birth Under Family's Home #Video
Added 360 Views / 0 LikesThe video captures a family's rescue mission to save a litter of puppies born under their house. The narrator and her daughter, Celeste, work together to ensure the safety and well-being of the puppies and their mother. Rescue Effort Initial Discovery: Th
Abandoned Puppy Followed Us Home And We Let Him In #Video
Added 8,109 Views / 0 LikesIn Bulgaria a lot of people abandon puppies and kittens on the streets. And all those animals need help. This isn't the first abandoned puppy we meet and sadly it won't be the last.
Abandoned Puppy Fought So Hard To Get Better #Video
Added 1,050 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned puppy goes to the beach for the first time and it's magic
Abandoned Puppy Found Under Truck Fights So Hard To Get Better. Video.
Added 988 Views / 0 LikesThis abandoned puppy goes to the beach for the first time and it's pure magic ✨
Abandoned Puppy Gets Rescued And Goes to School With Kids Every Day #Video
Added 1,038 Views / 0 LikesPuppy found on the street could hardly walk when she got rescued — now she runs into school every day to teach kids about kindness
Abandoned Puppy Jumps Into Rescuers Arms #Video
Added 407 Views / 0 LikesShe was found freezing in the pouring rain after being abandoned and now she's her dad's best friend
Abandoned Puppy Now Has A Home #Video
Added 986 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned Puppy Now Has A Home #Video
Abandoned Puppy Sleeps With The Guy Who Rescued Her #Video
Added 722 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned puppy curls up and falls asleep on her new dad's face
Abandoned Puppy With Mange Transforms Into A Beautifully Healthy And Happy Girl #Video
Added 780 Views / 0 LikesA scared puppy with mange was found on the side of the road by her new forever family. They named her Taylor, and she has transformed into a spunky, funny, happy, and healthy puppy who is always getting into trouble!
Abandoned Street Dog Who Didn't Know How To 'Dog' #Video
Added 715 Views / 0 LikesThis woman spotted a dog outside a house in Bali and found out he'd been living in a cage for four years. She took him to the vet, and eventually to her house to foster him. He didn't know how to act like a dog and needed constant attention! Soon after, h
Abandoned Terrified Dog Gets A Family Who Deserves Her Video
Added 1,672 Views / 0 LikesThis dog was abandoned on the side of the road by her owners but this man rescued her and showed her she was worth a billion
Abandoned Work Horse Rescued From Kill Pen #Video
Added 11.3k Views / 0 LikesAbandoned workhorse gets his hooves trimmed and he's thrilled to run again — a year later, his mom's rescued 80 more horses! Special Shoutout to Colby’s Crew Rescue! You can follow them on Instagram and TikTok https
Abandoned, Hairless Puppy Could Barely Wag Her Tail Until... #Video
Added 1,116 Views / 0 LikesWhen Hippo the pittie was found abandoned in an orange grove, she was hairless and could barely wag her tail. Watch her transform into an energetic little puppy who loves to bolt through her favorite obstacle cours
Absurd Birds Have The Strangest Best Friends | Dodo Kids #Video
Added 706 Views / 0 LikesChicken the bird was not happy with her two new cat brothers, but it wasn't long before she had a change of heart. And invited them into her bird cage! Then, Seamus the bird can't wait to show you around his house full of birds...and these strange, stripe
05:08 Popular
Abused Animals Finally Free From Lifetime In The Circus | Dodo Heroes
Added 948 Views / 0 LikesAfter rescuing several animals from a Peruvian circus, Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips reunite Kiara the lioness with her cubs and free Pepe the spider monkey from the short chain he was forced to live on for his entire life. Watch Dodo Heroes full episodes