Pets And Animals
A winter run out for the donkeys at Hannigans Farm Video
Added 497 Views / 0 LikesA few days ago, some of our donkeys took a run out at Hannigans Farm. During the winter months due to wet and cold weather, our donkeys are kept in their winter run out areas and sheds. On a fine day, the donkeys and mules enjoy taking a longer run down t
A wolf made this woman part of her pack #Video
Added 629 Views / 0 LikesA wolf made this woman part of her pack #Video.
A wolf with a plastic jar on his head came to people for help
Added 2,283 Views / 0 LikesIt happened in India. A group of photographers who were filming wildlife in the forest noticed a heart-rending picture. A young #wolf came to them for help. His head was stuck in a large plastic jar. Having found no salvation, he decided to appeal to peop
A Year In The Life Of A Baby Tiger #Video
Added 490 Views / 0 LikesWatch this rescued baby tiger grow from the size of a potato and celebrate his first birthday!
A Year In The Life Of A Wild Boar Raised By A Yellow Lab #Video
Added 14.2k Views / 0 LikesWatch this rescued baby boar grow up and choose a yellow lab as her dad
A yellow-eyed black cat with a beautiful voice. Don't be afraid! #Video
Added 446 Views / 0 LikesCats, beautiful by nature !!! So, why groom? Sometimes brushing is not enough and the cat does not always collaborate, after all we are talking about cats! Free by nature !!! Although they have their ritual of cleaning through licking, this is not always
Abandoned baby deer walks right up to woman and says ’help’ #Video
Added 1,537 Views / 0 LikesThis tiny fawn approached the right woman to ask for help
Abandoned Baby Parrot Loves To Snuggle With Her Teddy Bear #Video
Added 345 Views / 0 LikesThis tiny, abandoned baby parrot was too weak to fly — wait to see the moment her mom knew she was gonna be OK
Abandoned baby sloth gets a furry new parent #Video
Added 602 Views / 0 LikesAbandoned baby sloth gets stuffed toy as a surrogate parent and she absolutely loves it
Abandoned Brave Raccoon Cub Stays The Night At Fox Den #Video
Added 7,565 Views / 0 LikesWhen this guy set up cameras in his backyard, he couldn't have guessed he'd catch a raccoon mother dropping off her baby at Fox Den daycare for the night. Now, this tiny raccoon has to figure his way out of this ridiculous situation.
Abandoned Cat Was Antisocial Until A Tiny Kitten Forced Him To Play With Her. Video
Added 1,040 Views / 0 LikesPhoenix was left behind by his owners in their old apartment building where he spent a year before being rescued. When his foster moms took him in, he was so shut down, he didn't want to interact with them or the other cats. But one day, a tiny kitten dec
Abandoned Cat Who Was Found In Parking Lot Loves To Cuddle With His Dad Now
Added 704 Views / 0 LikesWoman rescues cat from parking lot — and he becomes a daddy's boy!
Abandoned dog asks woman to follow her and save her puppies #Video
Added 375 Views / 0 LikesWoman follows an abandoned dog on a desperate search for her missing puppies
Abandoned Dog Chases His Former Owner's Car #Video
Added 338 Views / 0 LikesDog dumped on the road keeps chasing his former owner's car — until a much better person comes along
Abandoned Dog Gets a Second Chance And Transforms Into the Fluffiest Princess #Video
Added 275 Views / 0 LikesWait to see her enormous smile the day after she got rescued
Abandoned Dog Learns To Trust Again After Making A Special Friend #Video
Added 1,435 Views / 0 LikesWatch this dog who was dumped by her owners fall in love with her new grandpa