Pets And Animals
Rescue Dog Does Parkour To Keep The Squirrels Out Of Her Yard #Video
Added 22k Views / 0 LikesThis dog jumps on her fence every day to make sure the squirrels stay out of her backyard. You can help Matt and Lexi save more animals by donating to: For more of Lexi the jumping dog, you can follow her on Instagram: thed
Giving A Hissing Feral Kitten A Bath And This Happens... #Video
Added 1,229 Views / 0 LikesFeral kitten kept hissing at her rescuer — but everything changed after her first bath
Funny Birds Sing, Dance & Imitate Sounds Video
Added 1,604 Views / 0 LikesGoofy, the cockatoo barks, dances and talks for us! Our friend Victor inherited Goofy 15 years ago when a family member passed away. Goofy is now 34 years old and can use and respond to over 50 words and phrases. He also likes to dance and imitate the bar
Rescued Fawn Never Forgets To Come Back Home #Video
Added 461 Views / 0 LikesBaby rescue deer snuggles his human mom as soon as he feels safe ❤️
Backyard Squirrelympics 3.0- The Summer Games #Video
Added 10.5k Views / 0 LikesMark Rober gave up on trying to battle his squirrels... but what if they battled each other? Don't miss this one! It's a hoot!!
Caged dog tastes freedom for first time #Video
Added 1,161 Views / 0 LikesCaged dog tastes freedom for first time #Video
Dog Raises Foster Puppies But Has To Say Goodbye #Video
Added 627 Views / 0 LikesKait fostered Ghost when he was just a puppy. She instantly fell in love with him and decided to adopt him. Ghost and Kait’s cat MowMow got along well and together they parent all the other foster dogs that come into the family. Ghost often gets ups
Cat Hates Everyone But His Mini Me #Video
Added 1,455 Views / 0 LikesCat who hates other cats meets his Mini Me and invites him inside
Lightning Strikes a Moving Car. Your Daily Dose Of Internet. #Video
Added 18.2k Views / 0 LikesFrom a car that acts like a Faraday Cage, a person inches away from gettin hit by a car to a cat that wants to be a bass player, these are just few of the great clip you will see in today's video. Enjoy!
The Worst Beach Day Ever!!!!| Best Pets of the Week Video
Added 982 Views / 0 LikesFrom a piano playing horse to a day at the beach gone bad, and even a dog defying gravity...Enjoy the Best Pets of the Week
Cat Whose Family Left Him Behind Gets Rescued #Video
Added 313 Views / 0 LikesWatch him leap into his rescuers arms for a hug!
Mother Moh Loh and Baby LekLek's Adventures! - ElephantNews
Added 329 Views / 0 LikesUnder the tender, loving care of mother Moh Loh, baby LekLek enjoys a safe and happy life every day. Since their rescue, we have witnessed their confidence and contentment in their new sanctuary life. Each day, we observe LekLek learning from her mother a
Everyone Thinks This Dog Is Blind, But He Is Just Confused #video
Added 530 Views / 0 LikesWhen Atlas was a puppy, he was so difficult that his dad was thinking about giving up on him. Fortunately, the pup opened up and showed how unique he is. His dad couldn’t imagine he would ever love somebody this much.
Growling Mama Dog and Her 7 Babies Were Living In A Tent, Until. #Video
Added 627 Views / 0 LikesGrowling mama dog did not want to be rescued — watch what happens after she spends just one week in a loving home
Woman Makes Friends With Wild Blue Jays #Video
Added 955 Views / 0 LikesWoman makes friends with wild blue jays — and is surprised in the best way when she has to move to a new hom