Pets And Animals
30+ Minutes Of The Oddest Couples You've Ever Seen #Video
Added 460 Views / 0 LikesCan a wild boar and a dog be buddies? What about a cat and a parrot? Find out about them and more with 30+ minutes of our favorite Odd Couples episodes!
30-Year-Old Bird Is Determined For Dad To Love Her #Video
Added 10.3k Views / 0 LikesThis guy has never liked pets — watch what makes him fall for a 30-year-old bird...
30-Year-Old Tortoise Guides Her Mom On Daily Walks #Video
Added 369 Views / 0 LikesShe watches the sunset every night
32 goats all interested in 1 chicken! #Video
Added 627 Views / 0 LikesToday we invited our young chickens out of their house for the first time. Despite having the door open all morning, they were pretty shy about coming out into the pasture. Every single goat took their turn coming over to peek into the chicken door and se
32 Year Old Cockatoo Always Clings To This Woman #Video
Added 511 Views / 0 LikesDoobie was surrendered at 28(!) years old. He spent his whole life in a cage and couldn't even fly. Luckily for Doobie, Kim fell in love with him as soon as she saw him at the shelter. She gave him so much love and attention that now he won’t leave
33-Year-Old Blind Pony Gets A Seeing-Eye Donkey #Video
Added 684 Views / 0 Likes33-year-old blind pony gets set up on a friend date with a mini donkey and it goes really, really well.
33-Year-Old Blind Pony Gets A Seeing-Eye Donkey #Video
Added 1,375 Views / 0 Likes33-year-old blind pony gets set up on a friend date with a mini donkey and it goes really, really well
34 goat kids play hard, nap hard! Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 720 Views / 0 LikesThe youngest kids are 2 days old and the oldest are 3 weeks old! They are so full of fun! 10 more mamas left to kid this season! The last likely won't kid until the last weekend of July! So there will be plenty of kids around all summer. We will begin let
35 Animals That Asked People for Help! #Video
Added 19.1k Views / 0 LikesSometimes animals find themselves in such terrible situations that it becomes our duty to come to their aid! And it doesn’t matter if it’s a harmless pet or a dangerous predator! Watch the video to the end and see for yourself!
35 Signs Your Dog Loves You! #Video
Added 7,105 Views / 0 LikesThe human-dog bond is a special relationship. There’s significant research supporting the idea that dogs genuinely love their owners. In fact, one MRI study found that dogs associate their owner’s scent with pleasure. The hormone oxytocin, or
36-Pound Cat Finds A Mom Who Just Gets Him | The Dodo Adoption Day
Added 1,012 Views / 0 LikesThis 36-pound cat was brokenhearted when his owner died. But today he's meeting his new mom, and she is the PERFECT match for him. Video Script:: King weighed 36pounds at the shelter. His photo on Facebook spoke to me. I had weight issues of my ow
37 Beautiful Butterflies with Names and Relaxing Music
Added 1,071 Views / 0 LikesDiscover 37 incredibly beautiful butterflies. Enjoy relaxing music as you learn their names and marvel at their beauty.
3D Printing Technology Gives Animals A Second Chance #Video
Added 13.6k Views / 0 LikesSome of these animals survived terrible injuries and were left without the means to eat, drink, or walk. Thankfully, dedicated caretakers and 3D printing technology have provided them with the means to start new lives with cutting-edge prosthetics. Beauty
4 Adorable Animals That You Might Never Have Heard Of | The Science of Cute | BBC Earth
Added 762 Views / 0 LikesA tiny hippo and a kangaroo that lives in a tree? Have you heard of these adorable animals? Video Script:: [Music] when you think of cute animals you immediately think of small furry species well in this episode we've got plenty of that even if you'v
4 Cats + 50 Catnip Bananas!
Added 1,123 Views / 0 LikesGot catnip bananas? ... WE SURE DO!! You can get your paws on the bananas: null/3vU2KTz
4 Cats, 2 Kittens, 1 Crazy Kitty Christmas! #Video
Added 588 Views / 0 LikesCatnip = Chaos in this house, we hope you enjoy this fluffy festive fun!