Pets And Animals
17 Very HOPPY goat kids #Video
Added 608 Views / 0 LikesWoah the babies were wild this morning! Even the newest 7 got out to play, but it was the older kids who really put on a show! And big news, Betty White who was born with a funny back leg is now one of the top 3 tricksters! You would never know anything w
17-Year-Old Dog Wakes Her Foster Dad Up For Walks Every Morning Video
Added 827 Views / 0 Likes17-year-old dog wakes her foster dad up at 7 a.m. every morning asking to go for a walk.
17-year-old homeless cat rescued #Video
Added 294 Views / 0 LikesThis matted cat has the patience of an angel, it must hurt so bad
173-Pound Golden Retriever Loses Over 100 Pounds | The Dodo
Added 901 Views / 0 LikesThis 173-pound golden retriever was neglected and almost euthanized by his previous owners. But a foster mom stepped in when the vets knew there was hope for Kai on a strict diet and fitness routine. Watch this amazing dog lose over 100 pounds and half hi
175 Pound Tortoise Is The King Of His Household #Video
Added 604 Views / 0 Likes175-pound tortoise is his mom's lifelong best friend — and when they're out on a walk and he refuses to walk home, her dad comes with his truck to pick them up
18 Human Behaviors Cats Hate and Wish You Wouldn't Do #Video
Added 967 Views / 0 LikesIn this video, we’ll discuss the top 18 human behaviors that cats hate and wish you wouldn’t do Forced socializationUnless it's a housemate or friend, cats are generally not fond of other felines. This is because of their animal instincts and
18 Incredibly Smart Dog Breeds You May Not Know #Video
Added 481 Views / 0 LikesFrom Collies to Corgis, there are some intelligent doggos out there! How many of these facts did you know?
18 Things Your Cat Wants You to Know #Video
Added 530 Views / 0 LikesCats are unable to talk, so they can’t always tell us exactly what they’re thinking and feeling. But we're not quite clueless because research has been looking at cats and their behaviors for many years. In this video, we will talk about 18 th
18-Pound Cat Decides To Be Dad To Teeny Kitten #Video
Added 754 Views / 0 Likes18-Pound Cat Decides To Be Dad To Teeny Kitten #Video
180lbs Neapolitan Mastiff with a bite history #Video
19-Year-Old Lab Is Rescued From The Shelter #Video
Added 571 Views / 0 LikesCouple rescue a 19-year-old lab and quickly celebrate every holiday — watch her open up tons of presents
1965 Pontiac GTO For #Video
Added 146 Views / 0 LikesWelcome back guys! Today we are taking this 1965 Pontiac GTO out for a test drive! As always to see over 100 pictures of this car visit our website using the link below!
2 day old happy feet! Sunflower Farm Creamery #Video
Added 555 Views / 0 LikesThe triplets, born to Maizy this week, are among the smallest goats we’ve had born all year, but They fully make up for their size with their huge spirits. Shirley is especially happy. She is still a baby but is so funny and the way she moves and ho
2 minutes of hoppy baby goats! #Video
Added 332 Views / 0 LikesIt is so exciting to see the littlest goat kids having fun with the bigger kids! Here is a little snippet of their morning playtime! The tiny Maizy babies look so cute next to the other kids!
2 minutes of kittens being cute video
Added 621 Views / 0 LikesWe hope you enjoy our top TikTok kitten videos - try not to smile!