03:29 Popular
On The Road: N.C. Basketball Team Gets Miracle Assist
Added 889 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a basketball team whose junior guard dedicated a crucial game to a friend he lost to cancer. When the game came down to the wire, something remarkable happened.
03:36 Popular
On The Road: Couple Finally Together After 26-year Prison Separation
Added 925 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Mark and Mia Schand, who prove one of the most famous teachings about love -- that it is patient, endures all things and never loses hope. As part of our continuing series "On the Road,"
03:36 Popular
On The Road: Couple Finally Together After 26-year Prison Separation
Added 987 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Mark and Mia Schand, who prove one of the most famous teachings about love -- that it is patient, endures all things and never loses hope.
02:41 Popular
On The Road: America's Oldest Teacher Has No Plans To Retire
Added 927 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Agnes Zhelesnik, America's oldest living teacher. Zhelesnik's husband didn't approve of her working, so she didn't start her career until the age of 81. Now closing in on her 100th birthd
03:38 Popular
On The Road: Grand Theft Donut
Added 895 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Chris Rosati, a man with Lou Gehrig's Disease who cooked up a plan to steal a Krispy Kreme truck and give away its contents.
03:26 Popular
On The Road: Social Worker Drops Troubled Boy As Client, Takes Him On As Son
Added 898 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets one woman who has dedicated her life to making sure every child has a home. But Taylor presented a particular challenge -- until she realized he belonged with her.
03:21 Popular
On The Road: Woman Seeks Rental Family On Craigslist
Added 856 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets Jackie Turner, a woman who wanted to raise her spirits around the holidays by hiring a set of parents on Craigslist. She received many replies from people who wanted to help her, as well
03:04 Popular
On The Road: A Secret Santa Bears Pre-Christmas Gifts
Added 882 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a man who dons a red coat every year and travels to different towns across America to distribute $100 bills. The anonymous Kansas City businessman shows that receiving a random act of kin
03:33 Popular
On The Road: One Of Sports' Most Bitter Rivalries Helps Boy Beat Cancer
Added 892 Views / 0 LikesAs part of our continuing series "On the Road," Steve Hartman meets a seventh-grader named Grant Reed, a die-hard Ohio State fan. When he found out he had cancer, Grant decided to rename the disease Michigan, after his favorite football team's biggest riv
02:12 Popular
Hart Faber Steve Hartman On The Road
Added 1,282 Views / 0 LikesA special editon of Steve Hartman's On the Road on the day of the Sandyhook Elementary School shooting.
04:21 Popular
The Love Campaign
Added 1,022 Views / 0 LikesThanks to everyone who participated in the love campaign these past few weeks. Check out this wrap-up video showcasing some of our favorite posts. #ivaluelove
00:31 Popular
Added 735 Views / 0 LikesIn all of recorded history, no one has ever determined to everyone's satisfaction whom to blame when an argument occurs. But it is a known fact that being the first to take the blame quickly puts the fire out, and that with a touch of humor most problems
01:31 Popular
Already There
Added 907 Views / 0 LikesThe tug on your heart that comes from a child’s innocent question, “When are you coming home?” and the awkward answer, “Soon,” leaves you wanting to get yourself back home…instantly. Lone Star’s song “I’m Already There” comes very close to virtually fulfi
01:00 Popular
Special Athlete
Added 967 Views / 0 LikesSpecial Athlete features a story that touches hearts and reminds us for a moment that not all victories happen at the finish line. For anyone who has ever watched athletes with disabilities the scene of stopping the action to rescue a competitor is a comm
01:01 Popular
Added 807 Views / 0 LikesA friendly neighborhood game of baseball ends with a broken window and a decision to make. Will any of Spencer’s teammates help him take responsibility for the accident? Or will they abandon him to solve the problem on his own? The famous song “That’s Wha
02:11 Popular
How We Make Our Radio PSAs
Added 769 Views / 0 LikesGet a behind-the-scenes look at how we make our Radio PSAs.