Mels Video Of The Day ( MVOTD.COM )

14 Things a Cat Will Never Forgive #Video


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Cats are known for their remarkable memory when it comes to remembering bad experiences. These negative encounters can have a lasting impact on their trust and connection with you. They might start avoiding you, hiding, or even being aggressive, trying to protect themselves from perceived threats. In this video, we will talk about 14 things that cats are unlikely to forgive.


  • Carolyn JACOBS Added Great help.
  • Mary Jane Added Great video. Useful information for any one wanting to adopt a cat.
  • Bumper Added Great video. I now have a different outlook on my wife's cat. Thanks.
  • Marilyn Added Love all videos on cats especially this one today!! Our indoor cat is very healthy and very playful and loves projects that my husband does around the house.Thanks Mel for all your videos.
  • mercedes Added Lots of good comments in this video. Anyone who would treat a cat the way some are in the video should not have a cat.
  • Kathleen Schifano Added Very helpful, thank you
  • PEGGY Added Hey Mel , That is a good video . I must be a Good Mom . I have 2 cats so they both seem to be very content & Happy :) Thanks Mel .Have a Great Weekend
  • Jerry Added Nice video
  • dixie Added Another great video! Thank you Mel!